せどりすとプロ Orela.org ジャンル: ビジネス 価格: ¥1,000 リリース日: 2012/3/25 【せどりすと1万ダウンロード記念&バージョンアップ値下げ!6月23日まで】1400円→1000円(6月24日以降は2000円に値上げ予定)【バージョン2.1リリース】せどりすと無料版に先駆けて、せどりすとProがバージョンアップしました!■新機能1.バイブレーションアラート2.バックグラウンドアラート3.OCR機能4.仕入基準価格算定機能5.検索リスト展開表示■機能強化1.条件判定個別設定強化2.新品最安値のサポート3.仕入価格/出品予定価格のサポート4.ISBN8桁(9784と末尾一桁省略)手入力サポート■バグFIX【アプリ概要】せどりすとPro は、商品のバーコードを読み取り(ビームせどり対応)、検索、出品、及びリスト作成、CSVエクスポートまでサポートする、せどり支援及び蔵書管理ツールです。書籍のみならず、CD、DVDからホビーに至るまで取り扱い可能です。 調査から出品まで、仕入に必要な作業がiPhone内で一貫して行えるため、作業効率が格段にアップします! 本ソフトウェアは無料公開中の「せどりすと」の広告非表示版となります。1画面3アイテム程度の表示領域が、4アイテム弱表示可能になりますので、より便利にお使いになれます。また、無料版に先駆けてVersion 2.1の公開となりますので、新機能は現在の無料版では使用出来ません。【ご注意】ipod touchの場合オートフォーカスが機能しないこともありますので、事前にご確認ください。無料版をご使用になって本価格以上の利益を出されている方や、価格以上の価値を見出して下さった方、プロの道具として広告表示が好きでない方向けのラインナップとなります。まずは無料版を使い倒して頂いた後、ご購入頂ければ幸いです。【特徴】 バーコード連続読取、自動検索に加えて、通常出品及びFBAに対応した想定粗利がリストですぐに確認可能。仕入れ時に的確な判断が可能となります。 【機能一覧】 ■連続バーコード読み取り検索 ・カメラバーコードリーダー搭載(自動読取) ・Bluetoothバーコードリーダー等によるビームせどり対応 *ISBN13もしくはJANコードの手入力もサポート ■OCR機能・ISBNの数字を直接読み取り可能■商品検索機能 ・最安価格情報、ランク、カテゴリ ・想定粗利計算(FBA対応) ・おすすめ度判定 ・ランク、想定利益、新品有無 ・中古価格が定価よりも高値の場合、「お宝」表示 ・キーワード検索・条件設定によるアラート機能(バイブレーション、リスト背景色)■仕入リスト機能・仕入れ商品などをブックマーク■その場で出品機能 ・Amazonマーケットプレイス出品ページへダイレクトリンクすることで、即時出品可能。 ■せどりリストCSV作成・メール送信機能 ・アイテムリストフォーマット(独自) ・大量出品用フォーマット ■リスト自動キャッシュ ■Amazon新API対応*AWSアカウントは別途ご用意ください。*ビームせどりの方法 1.BluetoothバーコードリーダをiPhoneと接続する。 2.リスト画面のISBN手入力フィールドをタップし手入力可能にする。 3.スキャンを行う(連続スキャン可) 【対応OS】 ・iOS4.2以上 【免責事項】 本ソフトウェアのご利用によりますトラブルや損失、損害等につきましては一切責任を負いかねます。 本ソフトウェアに基づいた仕入等の判断は、自己責任にてお願いいたします。 © © Orela.org  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
Bongiovi DPS Bongiovi Acoustics ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/7/13 ★ MAKE YOUR MUSIC SOUND AMAZING! ★ The Bongiovi DPS app brings the award winning Digital Power Station's Patented Real-Time Audio Re-Mastering audio enhancement to your iOS device. Sound Science for your headphones, mobile speakers or iPod dock! An In-App Upgrade gives you the power to customize your sound for your headphones & accessories by using our innovative profile system. ★ Easy to use. Breathe new life into your media library with a simple push of the “B” button. ★ Bongiovi DPS improves the clarity of your mobile library* across all frequencies and provides cleaner, deeper bass response. You will hear detail that you never heard before. DPS analyzes the audio signal in real-time and optimizes it for playback through any device connected to your headphone or line-out jacks**. It also compensates for differences in volume between songs and enhances dialogue and sound effects for personal videos and podcasts. ★ Take a tour of our Cities! ★ Instead of a bunch of confusing audio controls, the DPS technology uses a system of profiles. Each profile will work on a wide range of devices. We have given our most popular profiles the names of Cites so you can take a DPS road trip. Try them all...your ears will know which one is home for you! ★ New Feature! - Bongiovi DPS H.E.A.R. ★Sound Science for YOUR ears. Answering the call for an exciting audio experience that is also kind to your ears. Everyone can benefit from engaging this version of the patented award winning DPS technology specifically mastered for volume levels that promote healthy ear bud and headset listening. Enjoy all of the acoustic clarity, fullness and detail without the ear splitting volume. DPS H.E.A.R.- Hear what's There!★ Drag new custom profiles to your device. ★ New profiles are being made available at BongioviAcoustics.com. Just download the profiles and drag-and-drop them into the Bongiovi DPS app via iTunes Document Sharing ★ Clarity in noisy environments... ★ Have you noticed that you have to turn your earbuds up much higher on an airplane or train in order to hear the details of your favorite music? DPS technology automatically brings sonic detail forward while creating a signal that makes your headphones operate more efficiently. Even the built-in speaker of your device sounds better. ★ Now you can remaster your audio for your hardware. ★ Each profile contains the settings for over 120 calibration points that the DPS technology uses to re-master the audio signal for your device in real-time. Each profile is created by Bongiovi Acoustics audio engineers who have many years of experience in the music and movie industries. Tony Bongiovi- DPS inventor and founder of the world famous Power Station Recording Studios- earned many gold and platinum records utilizing the same audio production techniques that you can now access through these profiles. * PLEASE NOTE: Only NON-DRM media in your library is accessible by Bongiovi DPS. This is a legal not an app limitation. Also some non-standard compression and lossless formats are not fully supported at this time. To allow DPS to play your iTunes match library you must first download tracks or play the tracks first in the Apple Music Player on your device.This free app is ad supported and comes with profiles for standard Apple earbuds and the built-in speakers of supported iOS devices. An in-app purchase removes the ads and provides access to a constantly expanding list of profiles for your headphones, speakers, bluetooth, Airplay, and docking systems. ** Bongiovi DPS has profile selections for the 1/8th inch headphone jack, the built-in speaker, bluetooth, Airplay, and the analog line out dock connector. Only these connections are supported. If you connect your iOS device digitally via the dock connector, the Bongiovi DPS app will play your media library but will not process audio using DPS technology. © © 2011 Bongiovi Acoustics  Read More →
All Jordans - Release Dates & Shoe Guide Dictionary Apps 4 Fans ジャンル: スポーツ 価格: ¥85 リリース日: 2012/2/11 ★ Your #1 Source for everything Air Jordan. Period. Welcome to the end all be all app for true, die hard Michael Jordan and Air Jordan kick Fans. Sneaker heads will freak at the wealth of information, HD sneaker pics, and release dates!Be first in line to get your Jordans, with our detailed release date list for 2012 and beyond!★ Features ★- Every shoe Michael has released with pictures & information on most of the multiple colors for each release!- Beautiful interface, easy to use... We promise you want all your apps to flow like this!- Hundreds of HD sneaker pictures!- Detailed information about each of your favorite kicks!- Release dates for the 2012 year!NEW KICKS & MORE INFO ADDED EACH MONTH!FREE UPDATES FOR LIFE! © © Apps 4 Fans  Read More →
GPS Deloger BK Software ジャンル: ユーティリティ リリース日: 2012/6/15 SNSの投稿の画像データにGPSデータが入って困ったことはありませんか?このアプリケーションはカメラロールの画像を選択すると、そのGPSデータを削除した画像を作成するアプリケーションです。一度に複数の画像を選択でき、簡単にGPSデータを削除した画像を作成することができます © © 2012 BK Software  Read More →
Metronome!! Peter Deelstra ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011/12/9 An easy to use and accurate audio/visual metronome for your iPhone and iPad. Keeping tempo has never been so simple.Features:★ Developed in Austin, Texas, the "Live Music Capital of the World". ★ Adjust tempo from 20 BPM (Grave) to 208 BPM (Prestissimo) in 1 BPM increments.★ A loud audible beat tick with different sounds options.★ An easy to see visual beat for when sound is not appropriate.★ Screen doesn't turn off or lock when relying on visual beat.★ Use audio and visual downbeat emphasis to indicate start of a measure.★ Tap a beat and the metronome will adjust to your tempo.★ Audible beat continues in the background with the screen off/locked (great for power saving) or when using other apps.★ Allows mixing with audio from other apps, and independently control volume of metronome.★ Exceptionally accurate audible beat timing - beats are timed within +/- 0.00002 seconds with no error accumulation.★ Shows italian tempo names for reference (largo, allegro, etc.)★ Also a great pace setter for running, rowing, etc. © © 2011 Peter Deelstra  Read More →
イノティア戦記3~カーニアの子供たち~ Com2uS Inc. ジャンル: ゲーム リリース日: 2011/1/19 ★イノティア戦記3♥期間限定無料♥EVENT開催!★Com2uS大作RPGのファンタジー世界を無料で大冒険!※期間限定ですので、お早めに!運命が動き始める…史上最大の冒険、イノティア戦記3!壮大なスケールの新しい冒険!その大陸で私は英雄になる。イノティア大陸の新たな伝説が今、幕を上げる! 成人式を迎えたカーニア村のルーシェンとリーナは偶然、「ガントレット」を手に入れる。その「ガントレット」が齎した不思議な冒険に巻き込まれながら、ルーシェンとリーナは自分たちが背負う特別な運命に気付いていくのだが… 千年以上続く勇者の運命…その運命を背負う彼らは果たして幸せだろうか… *************** ゲームの特徴*************** ★有機的に機能するパーティーシステム★6つのクラスを組み合わせて自分だけのパーティーを組み上げるパーティー戦闘システム!それぞれのキャラクターを個別操作でき、成長ポイントとスキルの割り当てによりキャラクターの個性をより強めることができます。各キャラクターは様々な衣装、武器、防具の組み合わせによりカスタマイズできます。 ★胸打つストーリーと膨大なボリューム★前作より大幅にボリュームアップしたストーリーは、過去と現在を行き来する緻密な構成になっていて一瞬たりとも目が離せません。130個以上のマップ上で語られる主人公の旅路は個性的なサブキャラクター達によって、より立体感を増します。護衛・生存など230個以上もあるクエストはどれも一筋縄ではいかないもので、イノティアシリーズならではのやり込み要素を味わえます。 ★多彩なアップデートを予定!★ ★日本語対応!★ ★iPhone、iPod touchだけでなく、iPadからでも楽しくプレイできるユニバーサルアプリ!★================ COM2US GAMES ================ - ぶら下がりサバイバル - リトルウィザード - ウィッチウォーズ - スパルタの栄光 - ホームランバトル2 - イノティア戦記4 - 世界樹ライフ - マイダービーデイズ - タイニーファーム - 9イニングス:プロベースボール2011 - タワーディフェンス:Lost Earth - Slice It! ================ ABOUT COM2US ================ ★フォローしよう! twitter.com/com2us_japan facebook.com/com2usjapan ★サイト com2us.com ★お問合せ infojp@com2us.com ★ゲーム進行に問題が発生した場合、デバイスと症状を記載して頂ければ、ご返信致します★ © © 2011 Com2uS  Read More →