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Colordot by Hailpixel – A color picker for humans – Hail pixel Limited

6月 28, 2017 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Hail pixel Limited - Colordot by Hailpixel - A color picker for humans アートワーク Colordot by Hailpixel - A color picker for humans
Hail pixel Limited
ジャンル: ユーティリティ
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2016年4月21日

Colordot is a color picker for humans. It's intuitive, fast, and beautiful.

Build palettes with a swipe of your finger or use your camera to capture colors from the world around you. Colordot is perfect for web developers, illustrators, interior designers... anyone who loves color!

© © 2016 Hailpixel Limited
