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BLExplr – Michael Kroll

10月 08, 2021 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Michael Kroll - BLExplr アートワーク BLExplr
Michael Kroll
ジャンル: ユーティリティ
価格: ¥370
リリース日: 2012年6月20日

BLExplr is an app to find, connect and browse Bluetooth Low Energy devices nearby. The app can be used to connect to a given BLE peripheral, browse through the services which are provided. Moreover the characteristics of a given service can be browsed. The current version of the App supports read, write, write without response, notify and indicate characteristics. One peripheral can be connected at the same time. If the app is running in the background, indicate and notify characteristics will wake up the app to show the changed value to the user.

Moreover BLExplr can be used to range iBeacons, Estimote Beacons and Estimote Nearables.
Please use the support URL to provide detailed feedback and feature requests.
In order to use this app, an iPhone4S, iPhone5 iPhone 5S or iPhone5C is necessary.

The App will NOT work on an iPhone4, iPhone3GS, iPhone3G or iPod touches 4G and lower.

© © 2012 - 2015 Dr. Michael Kroll
