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Soccer Football Referee Watch – Peramanayagam Marimuthu

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Peramanayagam Marimuthu - Soccer Football Referee Watch アートワーク Soccer Football Referee Watch
Peramanayagam Marimuthu
ジャンル: スポーツ
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2016年10月8日

RefWatch will help a referee (or a fan) to keep track of the game. The app can be run independently on the Apple watch or the iPhone. You can also download settings from iPhone to the Apple Watch if you prefer.

Tip: Remember to:
- Charge your watch before the game. Don't lose power during the game.
- Put your watch in Airplane mode during the game. It ensures you are not interrupted by other events. Your watch will also not constantly search for the phone across the field and lose charge.

See how to set it up on the watch:

The app has three timers - game clock, stoppage clock and elapsed time. Elapsed time starts at zero and runs uninterrupted during the game. Game clock and stoppage clock are tied together - either game clock is running during the game or stoppage clock is running. They are controlled by a tap on game clock or stoppage clock screen.

On the watch, from Game clock screen, swipe left to go to the game record screen. On the phone, select record tab. Here all elements are editable with a tap. You can change home and away team names. You can record scores or record yellow and red cards. The app automatically records the time at which the event took place.

In case, you added a goal event or card event in error, the watch allows events to be deleted. Do a long press and go to event logs. Here you can delete whichever event you entered by mistake. Displays will update automatically. This feature will be added to the phone app soon.

On the game clock screen, long press takes you to a menu where you can set game duration, reset clocks, discard the entire game or download game settings from the paired iPhone.

While running on iPhone, the application also keeps track of the number of steps walked by the referee and an estimate of the distance travelled during the game. It also maps the referee location during the course of the match. Remember to carry the phone in your pocket if you are using the app on iPhone.

Privacy Policy: On the Apple Watch, the app uses HealthKit to get distance walked and energy burned while a game is in session. On the iPhone, the app collects referee location while a game is in session. These will be displayed to the user only. The app does not use it for any other purpose. The app does not collect any user identifiable data or share any data with a third party.

This app may use your location even when it isn’t open, which can decrease device battery life

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