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Dash SP – Gossh

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Gossh - Dash SP アートワーク Dash SP
ジャンル: スポーツ
価格: ¥240
リリース日: 2012年8月7日

Dash is an automatic starter's gun for track and field athletes, created by ex-international class sprinters. Featuring both manual and automatic mode, coaches and athletes alike can use this fun, stylish training tool to simulate a track umpire's start commands, starter's pistol, false starts* and reaction time*.

No more starting block training on your own - Dash can provide you with a professional-quality start while you concentrate on improving your starting technique and shaving time off your reactions.

See all the Features

◉ Simply, easy-to-use interface: Dash will guide you through an automatic start sequence
◉ Use Manual Mode to simulate a starter's pistol - press the button to fire the gun and fire the false start gun
◉ Automatic Mode and the Dash track umpire will provide the athlete with start commands.
◉ Automatic Mode randomises the time the athlete is held in the 'set position' - which is then displayed on screen
◉ Cancel an automatic start at any time to hear the 'STAND UP' command from the Dash track umpire
◉ Select the delay in between the 'ON YOUR MARKS' and 'SET' commands in Automatic Mode

New Features:
◉ Reaction time detection - Place your phone on your blocks and Dash will sense your movement and display your reaction time
◉ False-start detection - Place your phone on your blocks and Dash will sense your false starts
◉ Change from manual to automatic mode
◉ Set command delay slider, with a range from 5 to 60seconds
◉ Active gun flash
◉ Up to 1000 different Starters, so you never get the same hold time
◉ Create your own Speed ID and we will track your best reaction times and false starts

Perfect for:
◉ Small sprint squads - everyone can practice starts together - let Dash do it all
◉ Training your reaction time - Dash fires the starter's gun at randomised delay periods following the 'SET' command
◉ Coaches - let Dash start your athletes, so that you can analyse the start from any vantage point
◉ Saving money on expensive starter's pistols, caps and accessories
◉ Simulating race conditions - every hold in the set position is different
◉ Training alone - place Dash next to your starting blocks to measure your reaction time and practice starts on your own
◉ Connecting to external speakers - plug-in directly or use Airplay to connect Dash to external speakers for added realism
◉ Fun games with your training partners - who has the best reaction?

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Design & concept by Gossh. Development by Gossh.

© © 2017 Gossh Limited
