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Archery iX – Lutz Wahlers

7月 30, 2023 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Lutz Wahlers - Archery iX アートワーク Archery iX
Lutz Wahlers
ジャンル: スポーツ
価格: ¥700
リリース日: 2023年5月1日

Archery iX is an Archery Scoring Application which currently supports the disciplines of World Archery Target, World Archery Field & IFAA.
It enables you to
- easily switch between the different disciplines - 'WA-Target', 'WA-Field', 'IFAA'
- group your practice and competition Sessions/Rounds
- create a Session/Round for 1 to 4 Archers at a time and record the scores simultaneously
- search for Sessions/Rounds using either 'name', 'type' or 'score'
- display Sessions/Rounds of 'selected archers' in a multi-archer setup
- enter your score via NUMBER PAD or TARGET FACE
- share your score sheet with others
- view statistics of your progress based on your search criteria
- create custom session/round types
- create multiple archers; great for parents or coaches who have multiple student archers under their wing
- record your Bows and Arrows

Archery iX comes packaged with sufficient Session Types to get you going, its strong point is to offer you the opportunity to easily create any (within certain limits) Session/Round Type with combinations of Number of Rounds/Units, Target Face per Round, Number of Ends/Targets per Round & Number of Arrows per End/Target.
You can therefore create those Session/Round Types which you use the most, thereby gaining a better understanding of the sport.

Works on all devices running IOS 14.0 and up; from the humble SE v1 to the latest.

© © 2023 Lutz Wahlers
