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ZipZap Browser – JE Rhoads Company, LLC

4月 15, 2022 | コメントは受け付けていません。

JE Rhoads Company, LLC - ZipZap Browser アートワーク ZipZap Browser
JE Rhoads Company, LLC
ジャンル: ソーシャルネットワーキング
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2012年11月1日

The ZipZap is a powerful and easy to use web browser that blocks ads and adult sites by default. It has been completely re-written for version 3.0 to improve speed, functionality, and user experience.

Key functions include:

1. Ad blocking to improve the speed of web page loading, and to reduce the amount of data used when browsing the web.

2. Ability to disable Ad blocking on a per-website basis, at your discretion.

3. Tabbed browsing so that you can open a new web page without losing the page that you're on.

4. Adult website blocking that now allows you to add sites to the default blacklist.

5. Upgrades allow you to remove sites from the blacklist, or disable it entirely.

6. Significant speed and memory usage improvements have been made throughout.

Please Note: Blocking Ad and Adult content is something of an imprecise process. We do our best to be as accurate as possible, but we make no guarantees of accuracy.

© ©2020 JE Rhoads Company, LLC
