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Xpire – Clean up social media – Xpire, LLC

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Xpire, LLC - Xpire - Clean up social media アートワーク Xpire - Clean up social media
Xpire, LLC
ジャンル: ソーシャルネットワーキング
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2014年6月2日

As users of social media, we are responsible for everything we share online. With Xpire, you can shrink your digital footprint and ensure that your online profiles represent yourself in a positive way.

** Co-Founded by Mark Cuban and featured in The New York Times, TechCrunch, Fox Business, CNET, and more **

We live in a time where most of what we say and do ends up online. You may not realize it but your social media profiles say a lot about you. Friends, parents, and even employers can form opinions about you simply based off of what you share online. Because of this, we believe it is becoming increasingly important that users are able to take control of their social media accounts and portray themselves in a positive way.

With Xpire, you can:

- Search, find, and delete your old posts on Twitter and Facebook. You may blush at your embarrassing posts but at least they'll be gone once and for all!

- Share self-destructing social media posts that automatically delete themselves. Simply choose a time limit and watch in amazement as your posts disappear from social media (along with the likes, favorites, comments, shares, and more!)

- See how much risky content you share online. Our Social Scoring algorithm grades your posts and then gives you a score (A+ through F), depending on how much inappropriate content you share.

- Manage your likes and online relationships with ease. Xpire lets you unlike and unfollow as you please.

Note: Xpire can crawl up to 3,200 of your most recent tweets. It can, however, mass delete all of your tweets. Because of API limitations, Xpire cannot directly delete Facebook posts but can help you discover them and can link you to them for manual deletion.

Thank you so much for using Xpire! We care deeply about our users and want to know what you think of the app. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions please email us at

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