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Tweet Seeker – Search Your Tweets, Mentions, Faves, and DMs, Import Your Twitter Archive – Lionheart Software LLC

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Lionheart Software LLC - Tweet Seeker - Search Your Tweets, Mentions, Faves, and DMs, Import Your Twitter Archive アートワーク Tweet Seeker - Search Your Tweets, Mentions, Faves, and DMs, Import Your Twitter Archive
Lionheart Software LLC
ジャンル: ソーシャルネットワーキング
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2014年6月3日

Have you ever had a moment where you remember seeing something on Twitter, but can't quite remember who said it? How about that link you favorited months ago? Twitter search comes up short. What do you do?

Well, Tweet Seeker has got you covered. It was built with one goal in mind, and that was to help you find your long lost tweets—fast.

With Tweet Seeker, you can...

+ Search your own tweets
+ Search replies, mentions, faves, and DMs.
+ Favorite tweets
+ Save your searches for quick access later
+ Customize your font (choose from Arial, Avenir, Courier, Futura, George, Gill Sans, Helvetica Neue Light, and Verdana)
+ Jazz up your experience with a custom color (choose from Blue, Green, Gray, Yellow, or Red)
+ Open tweets in Safari, Twitter, Tweetbot, or Twitterific.
+ Flexible URL scheme with x-callback-url support. E.g., tweetseeker://search/[all, tweets, mentions, faves, or dms]?query=[URL-encoded search query]. You can also specify the Twitter username to search in if you have more than one with the optional "account" parameter. Specify the "x-success" parameter to open another app with a URL scheme after tapping a tweet.

If you'd like to supercharge your Tweet Seeking experience, the following additional pro features are available for purchase.

** Pro Features **

+ Search your Favorites
+ Search your Direct Messages (DMs)
+ Add and Manage Unlimited Accounts
+ Import your Twitter Archive to search all of your tweets (see below)

** Search Syntax **

Tweet Seeker provides a powerful search syntax. With it, you can find tweets that (queries are in quotes):

+ Mention a certain user: “@tweetseekerapp”
+ Contain a hashtag: “#wwdc”
+ Are retweets: just precede your search with “rt”. E.g., “rt #wwdc”
+ Are written by a certain user: “from:tim_cook”
+ Contain a link from a certain domain: “”
+ Or are any combination of the above, using standard search operators like AND, OR, NOT, “‘s, or parentheses: “( AND #wwdc) OR from:tim_cook”
+ Are within a date range. "since:01-01-2014 until:12-31-2014"


Due to Twitter API limitations, when the app first syncs, it will only be able to retrieve up to 3200 of your own tweets (unless you import your archive) and up to 800 of your mentions. However, Tweet Seeker has no limitations on number of tweets after your first sync. If you'd like to search all of your tweets (not including mentions), you can request your Twitter Archive from and import it into the app.

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