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Picasa Pro – Honey Saini

10月 09, 2014 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Honey Saini - Picasa Pro アートワーク Picasa Pro
Honey Saini
ジャンル: ソーシャルネットワーキング
価格: ¥400
リリース日: 2014年8月14日

*Picasa Pro let you manage your picasa web albums in an easy and faster way.
*One place to upload multiple gallery photos directly to your albums on picasa.
*Can create new album with just a button click.
*Upload to an existing Picasa web album account.
*Easy to use and enhanced user interface.
*View all of your albums and photos in Picasa Pro app with just a few button click
*Delete multiple photos from album in an easy and faster way
*you can share your picasa web albums photo directly in your facebook albums
*you can delete multiple photos from the album in lighter and faster way.
*Supports background uploading and notification updates.

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