Warning: This is not a standalone IRC client. It needs a Quassel Core running on a server and an account on it. iQuassel is an iOS client for the Quassel IRC system. You can use it to connect to a Quassel Core and chat with it on your favorite IRC channels. Please note that iQuassel is not yet intended as a full replacement of the desktop client, but as a quick way to chat on your channels/queries from your device. If you have any questions, please drop by on #woboquassel on irc.freenode.net Or use the issue tracker on https://github.com/woboq/iquassel/issues/ Features: * For connecting to Quassel cores version 0.7.x to 0.12.x (possibly 0.13.x) * TLS encryption to Quassel core * ...and compressed connection * Backlog fetching (Pull Down To Refresh) * Copy/Paste * Nick completion * Open URLs in Safari * Portrait and landscape mode (iPad only) * Buttons for next/previous buffer * Nick Coloring * User lists in channels * Hide Joins/Parts/Quits * Background app refresh for private messages and channels (red app icon badge) Icon by https://benjamindietrich.com/ Contributions by lowlyw https://github.com/woboq/iquassel © © 2012-2020 Woboq GmbH |
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iQuassel for Quassel Cores – Woboq GmbH
4月 21, 2024 | コメントは受け付けていません。Tags: Social Networking