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Flyte for Twitter – Shao Hung Tung

9月 06, 2014 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Shao Hung Tung - Flyte for Twitter アートワーク Flyte for Twitter
Shao Hung Tung
ジャンル: ソーシャルネットワーキング
価格: ¥100
リリース日: 2014年5月27日

NOTICE: While Flyte will work on iPhone 4 and 4S, it is optimized for iPhone 5 and above.

Flyte is a fully featured and customizable twitter client for iOS7. It's built to fit your personal style, whatever that may be. Are you tired of client upon client all looking the same? Then leave those boring black and white apps behind and discover a world of color!


- Designed and built for iOS7, centered around you.
- Swipe Nagivation: swipe between cards of your content.
- Customizable Wallpapers: choose from your own collection, our own picks, the daily updating feed, or new ones from 500px and Flickr.
- Multi-account support: Easily switch between accounts by holding on your avatar in the top left.
- Read Later and Sharing Support: send your links to Pocket, Instapaper, and numerous other services.
- In-line media previews: no more tiny media thumbnails that leave you guessing

Coming in 1.1
- Powerful muting (regex included)
- Custom timelines and timeline organization
- Push Notifications (see below)
- Anything you request!

A Note On Tweetmarker and Push Notifications

I'm just a broke student without two coins to rub together. Services such as Tweetmarker and push notifications incur costs for developers that I don't currently have the means to pay for. However, after Flyte 1.0 sells some copies, I will be able to put 100% of profits back into paying for and implementing those services. And that is a personal guarantee.

© © Brian Tung
