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Note-Ify リマインダー、TextExpanderのとDropboxの同期とのカラフルなノート – Sergii Gerasimenko

7月 14, 2015 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Sergii Gerasimenko - Note-Ify リマインダー、TextExpanderのとDropboxの同期とのカラフルなノート アートワーク Note-Ify リマインダー、TextExpanderのとDropboxの同期とのカラフルなノート
Sergii Gerasimenko
ジャンル: 仕事効率化
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2013年7月26日

*** Note-Ify Notes - One of the most popular note-taking applications in the world ***

Note-Ify Notes - write everything you need, group into FOLDERS, HIGHLIGHT and mark FAVORITE notes, synchronize via DROPBOX and protect with a PASSWORD.

Inbox, folders, favorite notes, the ability to put a password on each note and quickly as possible. Quick "one-click" send of a note to a chosen favorite email - distinguish Note-Ify Notes from other note-taking applications.

With this application you increase business productivity and never forget what you want to do.

If you need to share notes with partners or friends - Note-Ify will always help you to publish the notes in the Facebook, Twitter, and share them via SMS or AirDrop. Also it is possible to synchronize the Note-Ify between your devices via Dropbox.

- Password Protection;
- Folders To Group Notes;
- Reminders;
- Favorite Notes;
- Color For Notes
- Themes;
- Fonts, Colors, Sizes;
- Send your notes to the favorite email in one click;

APPADVICE.COM:"This application provides you with an elegant and easy way to keep your thoughts "

APPPIPE: "Simple, efficient and beautiful, FNotes might just be the best iOS notes app you’ve never heard of"

APPSAD: "Note-Ify - minimalistic replacing to standard notes"

APPLEDIGGER: «Note-ify - this is the best alternative to the standard notes"

APPLENEWS: "Note-Ify - a new look at the minimalist notes that fit perfectly into the new design of the Apple"

YABLOCHNO.COM: «Note-Ify - a new look at familiar application notes ... Note-Ify is quality and useful ... synchronization and customization of appearance make it a viable alternative to the standard" Notes ".

APPLEMAGAZINE.COM: "... application in its current form is certainly the easiest way to create notes, and will make a great addition to your performance"

APPPICKER.COM: «Note-Ify features a very basic interface, and I actually prefer Productivity apps of this kind which keep things nice and simple. I definitely think the streamlined layout is a huge benefit for busy bodies like you and I!»

APPPICKER.COM: «I’ve used a fair few apps that are similar to Note-Ify in that they attempt to keep things simple and streamlined. Some developers manage to pull it off, while others fail miserably, and I would say that Note-Ify Notes definitely falls into the former category, with a fantastic minimalist interface and some of the smoothest overall functions you’ll ever see»

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