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Calvetica Classic – Mysterious Trousers, LLC

1月 17, 2012 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Calvetica Classicアートワーク Calvetica Classic
Mysterious Trousers, LLC
ジャンル: 仕事効率化
価格: ¥85
リリース日: 2011/8/11

The Fast Calendar For iPhone and iPod Touch.
Calvetica Classic is a great calendar app for a lot of people's needs and syncs with the built in calendar (therefore Google, mobileme, subscriptions, etc.)

- Clean Interface
- Fast event creation
- Multiple calendars support
- Notifications screen so you don't miss reminders
- Fast performance
- Themes
- Lots of customization
- Time zone support
- Attendees support
- Language support

Calvetica Reviews

John Gruber -
"$2.99 calendar app for the iPhone and iPod Touch, with an emphasis on fast, convenient event creation and a very crisp, stylish UI design. I have a few niggles, but Mysterious Trousers — the excellently-named developers of the app — are improving it at a very steady clip."

Merlin Mann -
First cut was strong; new version is AMAZING. On my desktop, I don't open iCal anymore, I go straight into BusyCal and now on my iPhone, I'm all about Calvetica. Like all my favorite iPhone apps, it gives you as little chrome as possible but as much functionality when you need it. Sublime."

Susan Orlean on NPR Marketplace -
“I am desperate to get more organized and my phone is my assistant on this...I found a couple of calendar apps that I LOVE. My favorite of the batch is called ‘Calvetica.’ Since 90% of being organized is thinking you’re organized and feeling organized, having a very organized looking calendar is half the battle. I will say, I think it’s hugely popular. When I asked people on Twitter what they recommended, that was overwhelmingly the app that people suggested.”

© Mysterious Trousers, LLC
