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O Dia em 5 Minutos – Amaro

2月 08, 2012 | コメントは受け付けていません。

O Dia em 5 Minutosアートワーク O Dia em 5 Minutos
ジャンル: ニュース
価格: ¥85
リリース日: 2011/8/29

An app for quick access to the daily news
of Portugal, in Portuguese and from various perspectives.

The app has the following features:

1) The user can read the news titles from the main Portuguese newspapers and open the link to the news' details. The sources are: Correio da Manhã, Diário de Notícias, Público, Económico, A Bola and Record.

2) With option "Capas Jornais" you can view the main Portuguese newspapers' latest cover. The newspaper covers available are: A Bola, Correio da Manhã, Destak, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Negócios, Jornal de Notícias, O Jogo, O Público and Record.

3) In "Meteorologia" you can view the weather forecast for the following 7 days in the main Portuguese cities.

4) Section "Horóscopo" has the daily fortune forecast and respective advice.

A quick look of Portuguese relevant news to view in 5 minutes while you wait for your transportation to work or eat breakfast.

This app doesn't contain or will ever contain publicity.

All upgrades/updates are and will always be free.

New features are added with every 2000 downloads the app has.

Remember, technical support is guaranteed. If you detect an error, a new version will be released with the correct. Just e-mail to report the problem.

The whole application is written in Portuguese.

© 2011 Telmo Amaro.
