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Cruise Nav – Emidio Cunha

5月 29, 2024 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Emidio Cunha - Cruise Nav アートワーク Cruise Nav
Emidio Cunha
ジャンル: ナビゲーション
価格: ¥300
リリース日: 2016年3月16日

Are you on a Cruise ship and wondering where you are, your speed, direct distance to your destination, and how many hours you still have to get there, this app will help you! 

Cruise Nav uses GPS signals even while in Airplane Mode to display your position, estimated distance, and time to your destination. Distances are expressed in Kilometers or Nautical Miles.

There's hundreds of ports available to search and you can also add your own destination by long pressing on the desired location.

You can also provide your own route by drawing it on the map, in order to get better distance and time estimates.

GPS reception from within a ship can sometimes be poor. Best results are near windows , or in outside decks.

Map detail will not be available at every zoom level if you don't have a working Internet connection. You should use the app before, while still connected, in order to cache map information.

Continued use of GPS can dramatically decrease battery life.

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