AirTrack is an application designed to integrate with flight simulators in real time over a local area network, providing remote flight display and control through glass cockpit instruments, as well as control over some of the simulation variables. It replicates instruments and panels found on real planes using devices such as tablets and computers. With the aid of a plugin in the simulator, flight data is exchanged over the local network and displayed on the Mac, iPad and iPhone apps. Likewise actions on these are propagated back to the simulator and allow for its remote control. But if this isn't enough, AirTrack can also use your device's built-in GPS, Accelerometer and Gyro to determine your current movements and attitude and the Internet to download real weather to simulate an aircraft's sensors. Turn your car trip into a flight experience by getting information about your instant position, heading and surrounding waypoints. See yourself in an EFIS style navigation display / primary flight display or plan your multi-leg trip with the built in flight planner which gives you real-time information about your waypoints, how far they are and how long it will take you to reach them. For a comprehensive summary overview visit the app pages at: https://haversine.com/airtrack For a detailed in depth description of how things work, check its operations manual at: https://haversine.com/airtrack/operations In its present version AirTrack supports both the X-Plane (10, 11, 12, …) for which it was originally developed, and the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Plugins currently exist for X-Plane and MSFS2020. In the future AirTrack may and will quite possibly support other simulators and flight data sources as it has been designed with horizontal expansion in mind. Plugins can be downloaded from: https://haversine.com/airtrack/downloads The following are just some of its features and components: - Pixel perfect, totally re-scalable and optimised for retina and super retina displays - Multi window-panel support on iPad and Mac including stage manager - Boeing 737 NG style Primary Flight Display with EFIS panel - Boeing 737 NG style Navigation Display with EFIS panel - Standalone TCAS engine for collision avoidance on the ND with TA and TA/RA - Terrain database with the world map included in the ND - 737 NG style Mode Control Panel - MCP for auto-pilot control - A radio stack comprising COM, NAV, ADF and XPDR radios - A default navigation database with possibility of upgrade to latest Navigraph or FAA CIFP - Detailed airport information pages with weather, runways, approaches, procedures and frequencies - A Flight planner with airports runways, SID,STAR, Approach procedures, direct entry routes, world routes and weather - SimBrief flight plan import - Air Traffic sourced from Simulator, VATIM, IVAO and real world ADS-B - Worldwide airport weather based on real time world METARs - EFB with User files, charts, cloud charts and US based publications - Free Air Account Cloud services including Charts, Routes and Waypoints - Remote Yoke/Joystick/Rudder control for flight simulator. - Support for X-Plane flight simulator - Support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 - Enhanced support for the Zibo 737 NG family of aircraft for X-Plane - Enhanced support for the PMDG 737 NG family of aircraft for MSFS2020 This version of AirTrack includes Boeing Instruments and unlocked access to all related panels (PFD, ND, MCP, Radio and Flight Planner). Terms of Use: https://haversine.com/airtrack/tou © © Haversine Ltd |
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AirTrack NG – Haversine Ltd
3月 18, 2024 | コメントは受け付けていません。Tags: Navigation