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The Great Guitarists – Hon Fai Yiu

4月 16, 2019 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Hon Fai Yiu - The Great Guitarists アートワーク The Great Guitarists
Hon Fai Yiu
ジャンル: ミュージック
価格: ¥480
リリース日: 2012年7月2日

The Great Guitarists introduces 112 famous guitarists of the world. Including Classical Guitarists, Rock Guitarists, Flamenco Guitarists, Jazz and Blues Guitarists, and even some Folk and Country Style Guitarists.
All the guitarists contain photos and detailed biographies. Youtube music links are added to each of the guitars, so you can watch YouTube video of the guitarists. Youtube links need internet connections.
Besides informations about guitarists, there is also a detailed PDF describing everything about guitars, and also a detailed PDF about different guitar styles.
Whether you are a guitar fans, guitarist, or guitar music lover, this app is just for you.

© © 2012 Yiu Hon Fai
