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Sensation Drill – Kilian IT-Consulting

12月 16, 2021 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Kilian IT-Consulting - Sensation Drill アートワーク Sensation Drill
Kilian IT-Consulting
ジャンル: ミュージック
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2015年8月28日

Train your sight reading and trumpet playing skills by playing unexpected intervals.
As proposed by Clint 'Pops' McLaughlin the Sensation Drill app generates random scores with intervals you can't remember from well-known melodies.

Playing this music-scores with focus on intonation and proper attacks will improve your inner ear and your embouchure.

By tapping on the display the app will generate a completely new score. Scores can be zoomed be intuitive pinch gestures which trigger a complete re-formatting of the score.

This app uses the GUIDOLib for rendering high quality music scores in real-time.

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