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Parkinsons – Doctot

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Doctot - Parkinsons アートワーク Parkinsons
ジャンル: メディカル
価格: ¥720
リリース日: 2012年1月6日

Designed by physicians for physicians, Doctot Parkinsons is a collection of the most widely used clinician-administered assessment scales and medication reference tools relevant to the treatment of Parkinson's Disease.

Available on iTunes, this App condenses important PD information into an easily and quickly understood form.

The trusted Interactive Scales within Doctot Parkinsons include:
- Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale
- Medication (Parkinson's Drug Reference)
- Hoehn & Yahr Scale for Parkinson's Disease progress
- Schwab & England Activities of Daily Living
- Non-Motor Symptoms Assessment
- Elderly Mobility Scale
- Abbreviated Mental Test Score
- Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life (PDQ-39)

Akin to other Doctot Apps, each assessment scale within Doctot Parkinsons is presented in a wizard format that allows the user to easily navigate through the interview components to record a patient's status. The tool automatically generates the scale total and based upon the user's input, categorises this score. Each scale has an "Information" section to provide the user with background details alongside a "Help" section that provides usability info.

Further Doctot Parkinsons features include:
- a Patient Results Management System (e.g Save, Delete & Sort options)
- the Automatic Email Generation of each patient assessment result
- Shake-to-Reset Scale functionality
- PIN Protection for security purposes

Doctot Parkinsonsis supported by the Parkinson’s Association of Ireland.

© © Doctot 2011
