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PainMC – Align Innovations, LLC.

6月 25, 2011 | コメントは受け付けていません。

PainMCアートワーク PainMC
Align Innovations, LLC.

ジャンル: メディカル
価格: ¥230
リリース日: 2011/6/16

PainMC (Pain Medication Calculator) is a utility designed to help the healthcare professional convert the dose of a selected opioid medication to the approximate equivalent dose of other opioid medications. The calculator serves as a guide, using conversion values that are widely accepted for opioid medication equianalgesic dosing. This product provides an "incomplete cross-tolerance reduction" setting, which can be modified to help offset the possibility of opioid toxicity, when a patient's opioid medication regimen is changed. History is available to review previous conversions. Quick access to dosing information for opioid, non-opioid, and adjuvant analgesics is also included, allowing the healthcare professional to more easily recall dosing information for these medications, and individualize pain management regimens for their patients.

© Align Innovations, LLC.
