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MasterPitch – Seegnal Research

5月 02, 2018 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Seegnal Research - MasterPitch アートワーク MasterPitch
Seegnal Research
ジャンル: メディカル
価格: ¥600
リリース日: 2013年11月30日

MasterPitch is a fluency enhancer device designed to help speech therapists, voice professionals and stutterers to improve speech fluency. MasterPitch modifies the natural mouth-to-ear acoustic feedback such as to replicate the chorus effect which is observed when a stutterer sings in a chorus or speaks in unison with a second speaker. Under these circumstances stuttering is virtually eliminated or strongly reduced. MasterPitch modifies the acoustic feedback using Delayed Altered Feedback (DAF) and Frequency Altered Feedback (FAF). DAF modifies the delay of the natural acoustic feedback which can be adjusted between 40 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds. FAF modifies the pitch of the voice which can be adjusted between an octave below and an octave above, in intervals of 0.1 semitone.

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