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iAmino – Amino Acids – BananaGlue GmbH

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BananaGlue GmbH - iAmino - Amino Acids アートワーク iAmino - Amino Acids
BananaGlue GmbH
ジャンル: メディカル
価格: ¥400
リリース日: 2008年11月28日

iAmino was designed with love to let you learn and lookup the most important facts about the protoinogetic amino acids.
iAmino supports your studies of the protein building acids and gives you a helping hand in mastering the facts - all in one place. Works on iPhone, iPad and Mac (Silicone). With a stunning night mode.

We rebuilt the app from ground up and added a sophisticated learn mode to let you memorize the facts more easily.
A direct link to Wikipedia is included in every fact sheet if more details are needed.
If you prefer you can change the display language of iAmino to one of the supperted languages (currently English, German, French, Chinese).

iAmino gives you a helping hand in mastering the amino acids.

- Chemical structures (Wedge Line and Valence Structure Formula)
- Three letter code
- One letter code
- Polarity
- Acidity
- Isoelectric Point
- pK-Values
- Hydropathy index
- Molar mass
- Codons (incl. Codon Search)
- Essentiality

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