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GIR Calculator – Rodrigo da Silva

8月 13, 2018 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Rodrigo da Silva - GIR Calculator アートワーク GIR Calculator
Rodrigo da Silva
ジャンル: メディカル
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2016年6月4日

New pediatric application.

It arrived at the Apple Store a facility for all pediatricians.

Paid version, without advertisements of the GIR Calculator.

Check the calculation of the glucose infusion rate (GIR) very simply directly from your mobile.

You can conduct this account in two ways:
- Enter with the infusion rate (ml/hr), glucose concentration (%) and the child's weight (kg or lbs) and we calculate the GIR (mg/kg/min) for you.

- Enter the infusion rate (ml/hr), GIR (mg/kg/min) and the child's weight (kg or lbs) and we calculate the glucose concentration (%) for you.

After performing the calculation, it is possible to reach the exact calculated amount of infusion rate by using glucoses with 5%, 10% and 50% concentration.

Share what you think of the app in the comments so you will be helping us to launch more applications for medical and/or pediatrics purposes.

Warning: This application is designed only as a way to help the day-to-day conference of the GIR calculation and should not replace the calculation itself. Use at your own risk.

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