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Anatomy MCQs – Andrew Whitaker

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Andrew Whitaker - Anatomy MCQs アートワーク Anatomy MCQs
Andrew Whitaker
ジャンル: メディカル
価格: ¥1,000
リリース日: 2013年5月14日

This app contains over 1800 Anatomy Multiple True False Questions (MTF) split into 8 categories.

A question has 5 answers each of which can be true or false. You score 1 point for each correct answer giving you a total possible score of 5 per question.
You can navigate to the next question with the buttons or a swipe.
The results tab will display your current score for each category and your overall score for all the questions.

THE AUTHOR: Robert Whitaker has spent his clinical career as a paediatric urological surgeon. Since retiring 20 years ago he now teaches clinically applied topographical anatomy to first-year medical students at Cambridge University, in the UK. He also teaches clinically applied anatomy to surgical, radiological and other speciality trainees and is a former examiner for the MRCS at the English and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons.

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