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虫眼鏡 – Fapps World et Cie S.E.C.S.

6月 05, 2014 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Fapps World et Cie S.E.C.S. - 虫眼鏡 アートワーク 虫眼鏡
Fapps World et Cie S.E.C.S.
ジャンル: メディカル
価格: ¥100
リリース日: 2009年9月23日

This app works as a magnifying glass.
A slider makes it possible to change the zoom factor up to x4.
The application uses the integrated camera of the device to show a zoomed image on screen.
In addition you can use the camera flash as a flashlight for better sight.

Have your magnifying glass always with you.
Use it to read small text. Use it to analyse tiny objects.
It's like a small microscope in your pocket.

Please note:
Continued use of the flash may dramatically decrease battery life.

© © Fapps World 2009
