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Vedic Clock – Davinder Kumar Manchanda

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Davinder Kumar Manchanda - Vedic Clock アートワーク Vedic Clock
Davinder Kumar Manchanda
ジャンル: ライフスタイル
価格: ¥600
リリース日: 2016年12月1日

Vedic Clock calculates the Planets Position based upon birth details and draws Horoscope (Janam Patri) based upon Vedic astrology in Circular form.

This Chart Style is similar to North Indian Style, but in Circular Clock manner. It helps in visually see the conjunctions and aspects.

This also draws conjunctions/aspects to houses/Signs by the Planets in addition to Planets to Planets.

The conjunctions/Aspects are shown as lines/Arrows to clearly identify the scene.

Transits can be seen dynamically over period of time in running form at different speeds.

All aspects Planet to Planets and Planets to Houses are shown in table also.

Nakshatra details upto pada level with their Lord and Navamansh Sign.

This is an attempt to improve visibility of North Indian Style of Horoscope i.e. Visual Horoscope "Vedic Clock"

Note: This App does not predict, only computes Charts based upon Vedic Astrology, meant for Astrologers or Learners of Vedic Astrology. Predictions are covered in separate App "Vedic Quest", "Vedic Horo" and "Vedic Match"

© © DK Manchanda
