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Chakra Insight Oracle – Oceanhouse Media

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Oceanhouse Media - Chakra Insight Oracle アートワーク Chakra Insight Oracle
Oceanhouse Media
ジャンル: ライフスタイル
価格: ¥1,600
リリース日: 2018年7月27日

Discover inner truth with this gorgeous deck filled with inspiring images and words.

Chakra Insight Oracle is a powerful tool for connecting to and understanding the age-old system of the chakras. The deck features seven cards for each of the seven major chakras, with each card dealing with an aspect of that particular chakra. An invaluable resource for self-healing and personal transformation.

Caryn Sangster was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. She has a degree in Behavioural Health Science from the University of Sydney along with a Diploma of Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies. Caryn has had a lifelong interest in psychology – in particular the mind-body connection and has been studying the Chakra system since early adulthood.

Inspired by the transformations her clients were experiencing through a greater understanding of the energy centres, Caryn created the Chakra Insight Oracle. Her vision is that the deck will inspire people to reach for their highest potential – living in alignment with the divine being that they came here to be!

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