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Tabata Tracks – High-intensity interval training with multiple songs – Steinbacher Design

10月 27, 2014 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Steinbacher Design - Tabata Tracks - High-intensity interval training with multiple songs アートワーク Tabata Tracks - High-intensity interval training with multiple songs
Steinbacher Design
ジャンル: ヘルスケア/フィットネス
価格: ¥100
リリース日: 2014年4月8日

Like working out to music? With Tabata Tracks you can do a traditional Tabata High-intensity workout with 1 or 2 songs playing wile you exercise.

Tabata tracks workout is set up for a standard Tabata workout:
20 seconds exercise
10 seconds rest
repeat 8 times.

With 1 song selected you will have awesome music playing while you workout, and a vibration to let you know when to switch to relax.

With 2 songs selected you will hear one song during your exercise time, and one during relax time.

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