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Noise mixer – andrzej kar

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andrzej kar - Noise mixer アートワーク Noise mixer
andrzej kar
ジャンル: ヘルスケア/フィットネス
価格: ¥100
リリース日: 2018年3月2日

Noise Mixer gives you a great collection of HD sounds that you can mix into perfect relaxing moods.
Noise Mixer runs in the background - just set it up and let it run
Mix up to 20 different sounds at once.
Adjust the volume carefully
You can schedule a timer to automatically stop the app (up to 24 hours).
Noise Mixer does not require an internet connection, so you can use it anywhere without worrying about your data.
You can choose from 20 carefully selected sounds:
- rain
- thunder
- plane
- car
- to watch
- forest
- cove
- washing machine
- Clothes Dryer
- ocean waves
- vacuum cleaner
- train
- heartbeat
- crickets
- frog
- crowd noise
- white noise
- brown noise
- violet (purple) noise.
- oscillating fan

If you are missing an important feature or sound, please let us know at

© © Andrzej Karmański
