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LittleBit – Bucky Flowers

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Bucky Flowers - LittleBit アートワーク LittleBit
Bucky Flowers
ジャンル: ヘルスケア/フィットネス
価格: ¥300
リリース日: 2013年12月11日

LittleBit helps you do ONE thing consistently until it's a habit. That’s it.

Most people try to change too much at once. They soon get overwhelmed and give up.

By choosing one thing and doing a little bit each day, you will find that it's easy to create whatever habit you want!

--------- How It Works -----------

Choose something you want to do everyday, like:
- Go for a walk
- Read with the kids
- Floss your teeth
- Do 1 Jumping Jack

LittleBit will remind you to do it.

Everytime when you complete your daily habit, you will gain a "Bit" and capture the moment with a picture.

If you miss a day, one of your "Bits" will be in jeopardy.

If you miss two days in a row you will lose a "Bit" of progress.

Get 21 "Bits" to complete the habit and unlock a photo reel of your successes to share with your friends!

--------- Features -----------

- Focus yourself. Habits are difficult to get started. LittleBit helps by tackling one habit at a time.
- Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day. Success is based on overall consistency, not streaks, like other habit apps.
- Take a picture of your successes each day. Share them with friends.
- Set a custom reminder time.
- Hit the Snooze Button to give yourself another hour.
- Set a custom daily deadline time.
- Keep a library of success in your Habit History.
- Complete 21 Bits on your habit, and unlock your photo reel of awesomeness.

© © 2013 Bucky Flowers and Jayden Anderson
