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LifeCal – BMI Calculator – Tufan Ocak

12月 17, 2022 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Tufan Ocak - LifeCal - BMI Calculator アートワーク LifeCal - BMI Calculator
Tufan Ocak
ジャンル: ヘルスケア/フィットネス
価格: ¥160
リリース日: 2022年12月13日

LifeCal is a mobile app for iOS devices that makes it easy to calculate and track important health metrics such as BMI, body fat percentage, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and daily caloric expenditure (TDEE).

With a user-friendly interface and clear, concise results, LifeCal is a valuable tool for anyone looking to monitor their health and fitness goals.

At just 0.99$, LifeCal is an affordable and convenient way to take control of your health and well-being.

© © Tufan Ocak
