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Breathwork Timer – Edward Rooth

5月 31, 2024 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Edward Rooth - Breathwork Timer アートワーク Breathwork Timer
Edward Rooth
ジャンル: ヘルスケア/フィットネス
価格: ¥600
リリース日: 2024年5月30日

The simple no-nonsense Breathwork Timer you’ve been looking for. Built specifically for breathwork with advanced routine customization capabilities.

Quickly and easily create your own custom routines from scratch. Or just hit play on one of the several included presets and start practicing right away.

Whether you’re just a beginner, or a seasoned breathwork practitioner, Breathwork Timer is the fastest and most powerful tool for your practice.

· Start with ready-to-use popular routines
· Quickly create and edit routines
· Guided with audio and visual cues
· Share routines with friends
· No account or personal info needed
· No ads
· No Internet needed
· Dark Mode support
· Supports complex multi-stage routines
· Precise timing with fractional seconds
· Multi-lingual support (English, German)

© © 2024 Hekuli (Edward Rooth)
