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30 Day Squat Challenge for Strong Legs and Butt – Heckr LLC

10月 07, 2017 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Heckr LLC - 30 Day Squat Challenge for Strong Legs and Butt アートワーク 30 Day Squat Challenge for Strong Legs and Butt
Heckr LLC
ジャンル: ヘルスケア/フィットネス
価格: ¥240
リリース日: 2014年12月5日

Take the 30 Day Squat Challenge and see what you’re made of! Shape and tone your thighs, glutes, and hips in this professionally designed 30 day program.

- Professionally designed squat program to maximize fat loss and lower body toning
- Built in rest days for maximum recovery
- Keeps track of what days you’ve completed and what days are left
- Video description on how to perform the perfect squat
- Clean and beautiful interface that is a pleasure to use every day

Squatting Benefits
- Squats improve circulation which helps in the removal of cellulite
- Squats are low-impact but high-reward
- You can do them anywhere
- Squats improve posture and balance which improve your look when standing, sitting, and walking
- Squats burn serious calories and burnt calories means saying goodbye to body fat
- Squats target your entire leg, not just some of it
- Squats create a rounder and more shapely butt

So if you’re ready to feel the burn and get the lower body you’ve always wanted then this is the app for you!

© © 2014 Heckr LLC
