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Coinstatus – Dimitar Mochev

1月 04, 2018 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Dimitar Mochev - Coinstatus アートワーク Coinstatus
Dimitar Mochev
ジャンル: ファイナンス
価格: ¥120
リリース日: 2016年11月14日

Coinstatus tracks all the different crypto coins in your portfolio. Add more than 700 different coins to your portfolio and track them in realtime. See the total value of your coins and the last hour change.

Most advanced portfolio tracker on the iOS store. Most apps simply track 1 coin (bitcoin) and give your their price. Coinstatus tracks 700+ coins with 30 sec updates.

- Create your own portfolio and add coins to it
- Track more than 700 cryptocurrencies
- Calculates the total value of your portfolio
- Calculates the last hour change of your portfolio
- Automatic market updates every 30 seconds
- Supports the following base currencies: Dollars, Pounds, Yuan, Yen and Euro's
- Bitcoin, Bitmark, Gulden, Zcash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Ripple, NEM, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Bytecoin, Stellar Lumens, Golem, Dogecoin, Augur, Gnosis, Stratis, Waves, and more.

Coinstatus keeps track of your crypto assets while you can enjoy your day without worrying, add and remove coins to your portfolio in a single click. Your portfolio belongs to your personal account, you will be able to access your portfolio everywhere, in your pocket or on the web.

Download CoinStatus now and start tracking your coins


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