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Flitto – Flitto

8月 06, 2013 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Flitto - Flitto アートワーク Flitto
ジャンル: ソーシャルネットワーキング
リリース日: 2012年1月11日

Flitto is a social translation platform that lets you access all kinds of content from your favorite celebrities and brands in your own native language. Follow celebrities, groups, and companies regardless of the source language. Earn points and karma from other fans for your translation work. Flitto is perfect for social postings, (Twitter, FB Weibo etc) articles. comics travel information etc. is people powered, community verified, crowdsourced content.

FLITTO doesn’t just break the language barrier.. it smashes right through it.

For questions please contact

*Practice you own translation and second language skills on topics you actually care about.
*Earn points when you translate and let like minded individuals help you refine your translation skills
*Access content about your passions in your own language.
*Help share your love of awesome things & people with other fans around the world
*Practice you own translation and second language skills on topics you actually care about.
**Earn points when you translate & the gratitude of your favorite stars & Brands

© © 2012 Flitto
