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Delete Contacts Fast – DeleteQ – Ostrich Eggs

5月 21, 2011 | コメントは受け付けていません。

連絡先削除-削除Qアートワーク 連絡先削除-削除Q
Ostrich Eggs

ジャンル: 仕事効率化
リリース日: 2011/5/16


✓ 1,500件の連絡先を削除する(1分以内)
✓ 3000件の連絡先を削除する(2分以内)
✓ 4000件の連絡先を削除する(3分以内)

“DeleteQ” is the best way to delete contacts quickly.
You can quickly and easily select multiple contacts and delete them from address book on your iPhone.

❖ “DeleteQ” is tested with 4,000+ contacts
✓ Smooth loading 4,000+ contacts
✓ Deleted 1,500+ contacts in 1 minute
✓ Deleted 3,000+ contacts in 2 minutes
✓ Deleted 4,000+ contacts in 3 minutes

❖❖❖ Features ❖❖❖
1. Quickly select and delete multiple contacts
2. Search contacts by name or phone number.
3. Select all contacts on search result at once, (also you can deselect all)
4. With selected list, you can check contacts before deleting them.
5. With Easy Select, you can select name duplicated, no email address, no phone number contacts at once.
6. With number scroll index and sorted list by name, you can fast scroll and find contacts.

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