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TuneBot – Cal Stach

3月 09, 2012 | コメントは受け付けていません。

TuneBotアートワーク TuneBot
Cal Stach
ジャンル: ミュージック
リリース日: 2012/2/6

We are offering TuneBot for free until we reach 15,000 downloads. This is while we are working out the bugs and such. Thank you for your patience.

TuneBot is a Music Library Updater. It reads your music library and tells you when an artist has a new release with a push notification.

Our web based server does all the work to free up your devices' memory.

As well as displaying the artists full discography aside from what you have, it's also a Music Discovery Tool for similar artists.
It's also Airplay enabled to preview over your home stereo speakers, and a link to iTunes for music purchases.

YouTube Video Link Walkthrough -

A note for users with large libraries on your phone;
It will take a few minutes to process libraries over 3000 songs, and it may not. Feedback so far has been very different and I would love yours as well, my email is at the bottom.

A note for iTunes Match Users;
If you have a large library, it will take several minutes to process it, just like iTunes Match did for you. Currently this process happens more often than it should and we are working on making it a "first time it opens" and a manual operation. It will be optimized to read your FULL library once and cashe it until you ask TuneBot to read it again because of you have your updated music library. Thanks for your patience.
Also, while TuneBot can "see" your entire music library and keep you updated on those artists, just like the native Music app for iPhone you can only listen to it if you have it downloaded to your device. But you can still listen to Suggested Music.

Coming Soon;
- Selected Artist Concert Listings Near You pushed to your phone
- Make Playlists on the fly
- Select or deselect specific artists for updates
- Manually process the library instead of automatically

A Question for users; I have the option of asking TuneBot to pull cover art from the web only, or, asking it to use your cover art you already have in your library. The first option results in a lot more cover art, but it is not of high quality and it sometimes uses incorrect art. The second option ends up using the beautiful retina display to it's fullest, providing you have high quality artwork in your library, but it also means that some of the artwork just won't be there.
You actually have three options here; 1) pull from the web, 2)pull from your library and 3)be given the choice within the app as an option.
I'd love to hear your input.

Email me at blastby2000 @ with your complaints or suggestions, or because you are lonely ... JOKING!

© Intelligent Monkey Studios
