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Sticky Playlists – Mysterious Trousers, LLC

7月 13, 2012 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Sticky Playlistsアートワーク Sticky Playlists
Mysterious Trousers, LLC
ジャンル: ミュージック
リリース日: 2011/12/12


Sticky Playlists makes your playlists sticky.


+ If you've ever been frustrated with the native music/ipod app not saving your spot in your audiobooks
+ If you have ripped audio books, language learning material, and other audio content that you would generally want to remember your playback position, from CDs and so you have multiple tracks and don't want to keep track of what track you're on.


+ Listen to your existing iPod playlists.
+ Create playlists on the fly and fill them with whatever audible content you want.
+ Remembers what track you were listening to in the playlist, where you were in the track and even the volume that was set when you left that playlist.
+ Includes that feature everyone wants but didn't realize it: skip quickly forward and back through a track 15 seconds at a time (vs tedious "scrubbing" with your finger)
+ Includes standard iPod controls, shuffle, repeat, etc.
+ Beautiful and easy to use interface
+ Of course, it comes with our great customer support and our undying loyalty to our customers and making our apps great.

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