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SoundyThingie – Hansi Raber

4月 30, 2013 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Hansi Raber - SoundyThingie アートワーク SoundyThingie
Hansi Raber
ジャンル: ミュージック
リリース日: 2010年8月2日

SoundyThingie is an application that translates drawn lines into music. Additionally to just drawing lines it lets you modify them in a variety of ways, like moving them around or connecting them.
If you want to see it in action you can watch the video on the support website:

The application starts with an almost entirely black screen, waiting to be drawn onto by you. Each line created results in a sound that is related to the way the line was drawn.

There are only a few principles that make up that sound. Most important are:
- The vertical position of a line determines it's pitch. Lines at the top of the screen sound high, lines at the bottom sound low.
- Drawing speed determines volume. The faster you draw, the louder a line will be.

Besides that there are many buttons to press and knobs to turn which influence the sounds. You can later change a line's volume, attach other lines to it, choose from different waveforms.
You can also load and save your work, modify triggers and whatnot.

There's a short interactive tutorial included with the application that explains most of the functionality and leaves some features to be discovered.

© © Hansi Raber
