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MusicTimer——a smart player – DONG WEN QIANG

4月 13, 2013 | コメントは受け付けていません。

DONG WEN QIANG - MusicTimer——a smart player アートワーク MusicTimer——a smart player
ジャンル: ミュージック
リリース日: 2013年1月29日

Image a situation:
- You have been working for hours ,and want to have a break, you can use this app to set music playing for a while. when the music stop, you know is time to go back to work.
- Or you are playing a PC game, but you intend to buy lunch at 11:00, you can set the music to stop at 11:00. when the music stop, you know it is time to go.

If you love music, why not let music tell you that time up.

MusicTimer can automatically stop the music at the time you want.

The UI is specially designed so that it's quite easy to set a time. For example, if you want to make music stop at 7:30, just drag the slide to the 7:30.

You can set four different playlists for different enviroment,such as running or playing a game.

You can also play music directly without setting a time.

- support background
- support remote control
- compact UI style
- 4 specially designed playlists which represent your favourite playlist and the songs you want to listen when you are running, playing game and sleeping.

For any help or advice, send a email to

