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Airbuds Widget – Capp Inc

11月 09, 2023 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Capp Inc - Airbuds Widget アートワーク Airbuds Widget
Capp Inc
ジャンル: ミュージック
リリース日: 2023年9月28日

Airbuds is a widget for best friends to share their listening activity.

You and your friends can see what each other are listening to right on your home screens.
You can react to songs, play music on the app, and start a conversation.

It makes you feel closer to your friends through the music they’re listening to at any moment.

1. Sign up with Spotify or Apple Music and add the widget to your home screen
2. See what your friends are listening to
3. React to songs, play music on the app, and start a convo.

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