TV Show tracker Pixel-Perfect Widgets ジャンル: ニュース リリース日: 2009年11月23日 ★ TV Show tracker is FREE today with AppGratis ★TV Show tracker lets you track your favorite TV Shows and enjoy doing it :- Browse all the episodes ever announced for each of your favorite TV Shows.- Get a quick overview of all the upcoming episodes and those you didn't watch yet for all of your shows.- Display as application badge count the number of episodes you didn't watch yet ( count live updated as soon as new episodes air).- Get the synopsis, a screen capture and a video preview for each episode.- Mark the episodes you've already seen to remember exactly what you have to watch next.- Be notified right before or after a new episode of your favorite TV Shows aired even if the app is in the background.- Go directly to the episode's iTunes page to buy or rent it instantly (US only).- Shake your device and get suggestions about TV Shows you may like based on the TV Shows you watch and the preferences of more than 13,000 daily users of TV Show tracker for iPhone and Mac.- Turn the device sideways to switch quickly between your favorite TV Shows pages using the awesome "Poster Wall".- Rate then share on Twitter what you've watched (iOS 5 only).✭ ✭"TV Show Tracker definitely belongs on anyone’s home-screen if they care about knowing when their favorite shows are going to air."✭ ✭"I feel that this app is great for anyone that likes to keep on top of their favorite TV shows. Never miss an episode again!"Follow @tvshowtracker on Twitter to get news, sneak peeks, enter give-aways and get support about TV Show tracker and other upcoming releases of Pixel-Perfect Widgets.TV Show tracker is also a Mac OS X widget! Get it now on pixelperfectwidgets.comIMPORTANT: Please contact me at if you have any issues with the app and we'll be able to solve it together. Leaving a bad review about a bug doesn't help us to fix it at all... Thank you! © © 2011 David Attias  Read More → ケース選び・ゲーム攻略・使いこなし情報まで! AppBank ジャンル: 仕事効率化 リリース日: 2012年10月24日 はiPhoneの最新ニュースをチェックするアプリです。 アプリレビュー、ケースやバッテリーなどのアクセサリーレビュー、無料セールのアプリ情報。 人気ゲームの攻略やiPhoneのよくある質問など、もっとiPhoneを楽しむための記事がたくさんつまっています。 ============================== 【最新レビュー】 アプリやアクセサリの使い心地を丁寧に解説しています。 今人気のあるアプリからちょっとマニアックなアプリまで、お好みのアプリを探してみてください。 セール情報は無料になったアプリだけを毎日更新。通知でお届けします! 【みつける】 カテゴリ別にアプリのレビュー記事をチェックできます。 アプリまとめでは、利用シーン別のオススメをメンバーがセレクトしています。 【ランキング】 他の人が気になっているアプリは気になりますよね? 直近の人気記事、長く見られている記事をランキングにしています。 【ニュース】 朝刊・夕刊、最新のiPhoneニュースや使い方の記事が読めます。 iPhoneを使いこなせるような小技や裏技もここを読めば身に付きますよ。 【お気に入り】 気になった記事はお気に入りに保存できます。 セール待ちにすると、値下げタイミングでプッシュ通知を受け取れます。 【注目記事】 大人気ゲームの攻略記事、ツール系アプリの使いこなし、iPhoneの使い方をまとめました。 なめこ、パズドラ、脱出ゲームの攻略記事多数! 「まず入れたい無料アプリ」「2012ベストアプリ」など必見のアプリまとめ記事もアリ。 - 全記事をアプリ・その他の記事に分けて検索できます。 - 記事をTwitter,Facebook,LINE に共有できます。 - あとで読むサービス Pocket,Instapaper に保存できます。 - セール情報更新の時間帯にプッシュ通知を受け取れます。 - セール待ちアプリの値下げタイミングにプッシュ通知を受け取れます。 © © AppBank  Read More →
FileMaster - File Manager & Downloader Shenzhen Youmi Information Technology Co. Ltd ジャンル: ユーティリティ リリース日: 2012年12月10日 ★FREE for limited time! (3 days only)★★Rank NO.1 in 18 countries★★The most powerful file manager of iOS. You deserve it!★ FileMaster is a file manager, downloader, document viewer, video/audio player, text editor, wifi drive, and more for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch.Transfer files from your computer, carry them around with you, and share them with your friends.Using FileMaster is easy. Just long-press on a file or folder icon to display a popup menu. Simply tap your selection and you’re ready to go. You can tap on the screen to copy, paste, create folders and so on.There’s no need to worry about the security of FileMaster, either. Your files can be accessed remotely with a password or locally with a master passcode. No one but you will see what’s in your FileMaster.With FileMaster, you can easily share files with your friends (peer-to-peep only) using Bluetooth.★ File Transfer ★- Transfer files between PC and your apple devices by Wi-Fi. Support multi select to upload files- Transfer files with using Bluetooth peer-to-peer★ File Manager ★- Create new folders
- Copy, cut, paste, delete operations- Long press to popup menus- Support multi-selection mode- Import photos/videos from the system album- Take private photo or video inside the app
- Check the free diskspace★ File Downloader ★- Embedded web-browser 
- Download video/movie/music/photo/files from web sites- Download mangement- Support bookmark★ Powerful media player ★- Support avi/flv/rmvm/rm/mov/mp4/mp3/wma/m3u8...- Show snapshot of videos★ Music Player ★- Play all mp3 files in one folder- Play control- Background play- 4 loop modes supported
★ Privacy Protection ★- App password- Folder password- Wifi authentication- Hide files/folders★ Document viewer ★- Support word/excel/ppt/pdf/txt/page/number/html/jpeg
- zip/unzip (.zip or .rar files)
- Open files with other apps- Open files from other apps- Send file as email attachmentRequirementsA Wi-Fi connection is required to connect to and transfer files to and from FileMaster. © © 2012 Youmi Inc.  Read More →
The Stock Ancientec Co., Ltd. ジャンル: ファイナンス リリース日: 2013年2月8日 The Stock makes it really easy to manager your stock portfolio in a few clicks. Simply add company to watch list and enter the buy/sell shares and prices, the stock will keep all your records and allow you to see your gains and loses.The Stock saved all your historical transactions and help you to see the overall and current gains and loses. Setup an account balance, and The Stock will keep your account balance current when you buy and sell shares.The Stock supports:✓ worldwide stocks✓ unlimited Companies✓ unlimited transactions✓ account balance✓ overall performance for all stocks✓ current & overall performance for single stocksif you want to add stocks for international market, please append the necessary country format, examples:.PA - Paris.HK - Hong Kongif you want to include transaction fee or tax cost into the records, simply switch from unit price to total price and enter the total amount, to keep the account balance correct, the total amount should be same as the money debit or credit from the account. © © Ancientec Co., Ltd.  Read More →
newsHUB(ニュースハブ) - 「それ知ってないと」をサクサクと。スマートにニュースをチェックしよう。 Recruit Holdings Co.,Ltd. ジャンル: ニュース リリース予定日: 2013年3月11日 『newsHUB』は、いつでもどこでも簡単に、知りたい・知るべきニュースを読むことができるニュースアプリです。「今、世の中ではどんなことが起きているのか?」を、ざっくり知っておきたい就活生にピッタリ。他にも、漫画でわかるニュースやキラキラ女子からの就活応援メッセージ(3月下旬頃追加予定)などの就活生をサポートするコンテンツが満載!電車での移動中や、ちょっとしたすきま時間に、『newsHUB』で最新ニュースをチェックしましょう!----------【newsHUBの主な3つの機能】☆ニュースを素早く把握どんなニュースがあるかを、見出し一覧で素早く把握できます。見出しは、「トップ」「国内」「国際」「政治」「TECH」「スポーツ」「エンタメ」「経済」「生活」「R25」の10カテゴリに分かれていて、1カテゴリ20本のニュースが配信されます。一度取得した見出し一覧は、オフラインでも読むことができます。☆気になった記事は1タップで詳細をじっくり気になったものは、「続きを読む」をタップすることで元の記事を読むことができ、詳細を知ることができます。☆週末版には漫画でわかるニュースも週末版では、毎日新聞社の「漫画でニュースがわかる『スマ町銀座商店街~ニュース、はじめました。~』」を配信。難しいニュースや知っているようで知らない言葉の違いなどを漫画で理解できます。----------【newsHUBの使い方】(1) newsHUBを起動します。(2) 記事を一つ選んで、見出しをタップすると、ニュースのさわりを読むことができます。開いた記事の上下をタップすると、一覧に戻ることができます。(3) 一覧で、上下にスクロールすると、次々と記事の見出しを読むことができます。一覧下部のボタンをタップしても、記事を読み進めることができます。(4) 開いた記事の[続きを読む]をタップすると、元記事を読むことができます。(5) 一覧の左上の[カテゴリ]をタップすると、カテゴリを選ぶことができます(選ぶと、そのカテゴリの先頭まで移動します)。一覧で左から右にスワイプ(指を滑らせる)ことでも、カテゴリーを開くことができます。(6) 開いた記事や、元記事で、右上の[共有]をタップすると、TwitterやFacebookなどで、簡単に記事を共有することができます。----------【お問い合わせ】アプリ内のお問い合わせフォームより、要望、指摘、感想などをお聞かせください。 © © Recruit Holdings Co.,Ltd.  Read More →
アイコンメモ - ホーム画面に付箋紙が貼れる! Makoto Setoh ジャンル: ユーティリティ 価格: ¥85 リリース日: 2013年3月10日 このアプリを使うとホーム画面に付箋紙のような編集可能なメモを置くことができます。メモ作成時には当アプリケーションの管理するWebサーバーへの接続が必要となりますが、メモの表示、編集はオフラインでもおこなえます。TODOリスト、買い物メモなどに使うとアプリを起動しなくてもホーム画面のアイコンを見るだけで内容が確認できてとても便利です。iPhoneだけでなく、iPadやiPad miniにも対応しています。iPadの大きいアイコンであればより内容が見やすくなりお勧めです。ぜひ一度お試し下さい!★ メモの内容は当アプリケーションのWebサーバーには一切送られません。安心してご使用下さい。(アプリで選択したメモの種類についてはURLの一部としてサーバーに送られます) © © 2013 Makoto Setoh  Read More →
カレントモーション LITE Navius Corp. ジャンル: ビジネス リリース日: 2012年1月26日 「カレントモーション」はGPS情報と画像をデバイス内部に保存する、主にドライブレコーダーとして機能するiPhone向けアプリケーションです。 しかしそれだけではありません。遠隔地のPCで、リアルタイム画像や動態管理がスマートに行えるシステムなのです。 ご注意 ・LITEバージョンは広告が表示されます。・遠隔地でリアルタイム画像および動態管理システムをご利用いただくためには、PC版管理ソフト「Current View for Air」もしくはiPad版「Current View」が別途必要です。「Current View for Air」の詳細は をご覧ください。 特徴 iPhone端末をタクシーやバス、社用車などの移動体に搭載し、現在地・軌跡・画像などをリアルタイムでPC上に表示させて車両動態管理を行うことができま-- す。 リアルタイム画像を使うため、防犯・事故防止・災害状況確認などに応用することもできます。 機能 全機種共通機能 GPSで車輌の現在地および軌跡を管理端末に表示可能 iPhone端末内にGPS情報の入ったキャプチャ画像を保存(最短1秒おきの写真) iPhone4向け新機能 前後カメラの自動切換え機能搭載により、車内画像と車外画像の時間差表示が可能となりました。 © © Navius Corp.  Read More →
【無料】ヘタリア キャラクター性格診断 Frontier Works Inc. ジャンル: エンターテインメント リリース日: 2013年3月1日 大人気『ヘタリア Axis Powers』から性格診断アプリが登場!このアプリは、27つの質問に答えていくと自分がヘタリアのどのキャラクターと同じタイプなのかが分かる性格診断アプリです。あまり深く考え込まずに直感で答えていくのがポイント。タイプは全部で9タイプ。枢軸の3キャラクター、連合の5キャラクターに加え、カナダさんもいるのだ!お気に入りのキャラクターと同じタイプになれるかな?家族や友達、みんなで楽しんでね♪※アプリへのご意見・ご質問はまで。 © © Hidekaz.H/GCI  Read More →

Luminance – Subsplash

// 3月 11th, 2013
Luminance Subsplash ジャンル: 写真/ビデオ リリース日: 2011年8月16日 **Now FREE for a limited time! Show some love and share your shots on Facebook and Twitter**Luminance gives you pro photo editing capabilities in a simple and elegant interface. Effortlessly add effects to your photos, choose from many built-in presets, crop the area you want, and copy edits you've made from one photo and apply them to multiple photos.Runner-Up Apple App of the Year 2011!- Also iPhone & iPad App of The Week on the App Store"Our pick pairs professional editing features with a friendly interface, putting extraordinary photos within everyone's reach." - App of the Day"Each effect—vignetting, tweaking exposure and white balance and so much more—is a layer and you can re-arrange them to see how the picture changes, delete them to see how it looks without the effect and do whatever the heck you want."WHAT YOU GET✔ Create any look, with an infinite combination of adjustment layers.✔ Place your adjustment layers in any order to create unique effects.✔ Choose from many built-in presets.✔ Crop & Rotate✔ Copy edits from a photo and apply them to multiple photos.✔ Share photos to Facebook, Twitter, Camera Roll, Email, Copy, and Print.✔ View the history of any photo and easily jump back to a previous edit.✔ Export photos at full resolution (Small, Medium, Large, or Original)Filters- White Balance - Exposure- Brightness/Contrast- Hue/Saturation- Tone Curve- Split Toning- Vignette- Colors- Grain- SepiaWe hope you enjoy Luminance and we'd love to hear your feedback as we continue to improve it!+ The Subsplash Team © © 2013 Subsplash, Inc.  Read More →
Sleep Sounds Recorder ARAWELLA CORPORATION ジャンル: ユーティリティ リリース日: 2011年11月17日 Featured in AppsGoneFree. Your daily free app resource.Find out what happens at night! This app records everything: sleep talking, snoring, sniffing, and anything that makes a sound… ✭✭✭ Record noises and sounds while you sleep: the recording is only activated when a sound is detected by the microphone.✭✭✭ The alarm clock settings feature 3 possible modes.✭✭✭ Tracks for waking up or winding down, binaural sounds, and meditation: relax before sleep and wake up in a cheerful mood!RECORD SOUNDS DURING SLEEP- Recording is only activated when a sound is detected- Change microphone sensitivity settings- Recorded sounds are stored and Archived with the date and time logged.SLEEP STATS- Logs the time when fall asleep, wake up, and calculates your total sleep time. ALARM CLOCK- 3 modes, chic design, vibration, and snooze buttonTUNES FOR WAKING UP AND WINDING DOWN- Relax to the sounds of nature, binaural sounds, and meditative melodies. Fall asleep in utter relaxation and cheerfully greet each morning! - Over 100 songs and sounds available! © © Viaden Mobile 2011-2012  Read More →
Popsicolor Tinrocket, LLC ジャンル: 写真/ビデオ 価格: ¥170 リリース日: 2012年6月28日 ALL NEW VERSION 2.0!➽Currently featured in the App Store: "App Store Essentials: Camera & Photography", "New & Noteworthy", "Retro Photography"➽“If you are bored of the traditional photo filter stuff, then give Popsicolor a whirl. It will definitely make your photos pop.”, Dec., 2012WHAT THEY'VE SAID ABOUT VERSION 1.0:➽“There’s nothing quite like it in the App Store.” Life in LoFi: iPhoneography, June 2012➽“Watercolors that actually look good.” —Cult of Mac, June, 2012➽App Store “New & Noteworthy” (June 28-July 5, 2012)➽App Store “What's Hot” (July 5-19, 2012)★ Turn Your Photos Into Stylish Illustrations★ Amazing Watercolor & Ink Effects★ Yes! High Resolution Output★ Universal App for iPhone & iPad★ Share on Instagram, Twitter, etc.★ From the creator of Percolator for iOSWatch the video at!FEATURES:★ Load your own photos or any example image used in our App Store screen shots★ 24 Gradient & blending options including the new Duotone effect★ Choose 16 varieties of Intensity or Focus★ Optional Border and Auto-Enhance settingsSUPPORTS:iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS 5 and greater. High resolution support depends on each device's memory capacity. Please see the FAQ at: www.PopsicolorApp.comHave a question? Remember: I can't respond to App Store reviews, so email me at support@tinrocket.comWHAT’S NEXT:★ Follow @Popsicolor on Twitter and Instagram for the latest★ Follow the developer @Tinrocket on TwitterLOVE POPSICOLOR?Please leave feedback with each update—it really helps small developers like me. I'm committed to creating the most unique, highest quality image creation apps.—John Balestrieri, Tinrocket, LLC @Tinrocket on TwitterIMAGES:Screenshots are unretouched. Popsicolor includes all the examples images you see here for you to recreate and explore for yourself. © © Tinrocket, LLC  Read More →
Popsicolor Tinrocket, LLC ジャンル: 写真/ビデオ 価格: ¥170 リリース日: 2012年6月28日 ALL NEW VERSION 2.0!➽Currently featured in the App Store: "App Store Essentials: Camera & Photography", "New & Noteworthy", "Retro Photography"➽“If you are bored of the traditional photo filter stuff, then give Popsicolor a whirl. It will definitely make your photos pop.”, Dec., 2012WHAT THEY'VE SAID ABOUT VERSION 1.0:➽“There’s nothing quite like it in the App Store.” Life in LoFi: iPhoneography, June 2012➽“Watercolors that actually look good.” —Cult of Mac, June, 2012➽App Store “New & Noteworthy” (June 28-July 5, 2012)➽App Store “What's Hot” (July 5-19, 2012)★ Turn Your Photos Into Stylish Illustrations★ Amazing Watercolor & Ink Effects★ Yes! High Resolution Output★ Universal App for iPhone & iPad★ Share on Instagram, Twitter, etc.★ From the creator of Percolator for iOSWatch the video at!FEATURES:★ Load your own photos or any example image used in our App Store screen shots★ 24 Gradient & blending options including the new Duotone effect★ Choose 16 varieties of Intensity or Focus★ Optional Border and Auto-Enhance settingsSUPPORTS:iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS 5 and greater. High resolution support depends on each device's memory capacity. Please see the FAQ at: www.PopsicolorApp.comHave a question? Remember: I can't respond to App Store reviews, so email me at support@tinrocket.comWHAT’S NEXT:★ Follow @Popsicolor on Twitter and Instagram for the latest★ Follow the developer @Tinrocket on TwitterLOVE POPSICOLOR?Please leave feedback with each update—it really helps small developers like me. I'm committed to creating the most unique, highest quality image creation apps.—John Balestrieri, Tinrocket, LLC @Tinrocket on TwitterIMAGES:Screenshots are unretouched. Popsicolor includes all the examples images you see here for you to recreate and explore for yourself. © © Tinrocket, LLC  Read More →
Data Control - Manage Data Usage in Real Time Nutec Network Tools, LLC ジャンル: ファイナンス リリース日: 2010年9月30日 Data Control will manage your iPhone’s data usage for both your provider’s data traffic and WiFi data traffic. By monitoring the data usage, Data Control will allow you to select the appropriate data plan from your provider. Data Control monitors data usage from the device itself and is not reliant on setting up or logging into your provider’s web site.Data Control can be used with any cell phone provider or just to monitor your WiFi data usage on devices without cellular connect ability such as iPod Touch and WiFi only iPad. Not many people really know how much data traffic they use every month. On unlimited plans it has traditionally been of little concern (unless you traveled outside your providers coverage area). With more providers switching to tiered data plans, controlling your data traffic can save you money. Data control provides predictive usage analysis to help you select the appropriate data plan for you.AT&T Data Plans: * Unlimited Plan - $30.00 / month * AT&T DataPro* (2 GB) - $25.00 / month * AT&T DataPlus *(200 MB) - $15.00 / monthThe AT&T DataPlus plan is acceptable for most iPhone users but if you exceed your allowed data usage (200MB) you are automatically charged an extra $15 for each additional 200MB of data. Data Control warns you long before this happens giving you the option to change your data plan mid-cycle. Verizon, Rodgers, Orange and others offer similar data plans.Features: * Works with any cell phone provider including AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile, Rodgers, etc. and requires no login to your account with your provider. * Predicts future data traffic and suggestions for the data plan your currently using. * Provides real time data traffic information for both mobile Internet traffic and WiFi traffic including incoming and outgoing information.**********Please Note: Data Control reads the RAW data leaving and coming from the Cellular and WiFi data ports. This is the MAXIMUM amount of data and includes all communications overhead. Actual user data (or carrier billed for data) should always be less than reported by Data Control, in most cases this overhead is no more than 10%.**********AT&T, DataPro & DataPlus are all registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. © © Nutec Network Tools, LLC - 2012  Read More →
Back to the Future: The Game Telltale Inc ジャンル: ゲーム リリース日: 2011年2月17日 ☆☆☆☆☆Back to the Future: The Game is NOW AVAILABLE for iPhone!*☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Episode 1 is FREE for a Limited Time – Great Scott!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Episodes 2-5 are available to purchase individually ($2.99 each) or save 15% by purchasing the 'Ep 2-5 Multi-Pack' ($9.99 - Limited Time) in-app☆☆☆☆★★★★PLEASE NOTE the release of this new universal base app will replace Episodes 2-5 apps of Back to the Future: The Game will no longer be available for direct download on the App Store. Ownership of these episodes cannot be transferred to the universal app, so if these episodes were not backed up to the iCloud or kept on the device, they can no longer be acquired without purchasing the Episodes 2-5 multi-pack. Ownership of Episode 1 will transfer to ownership of the new universal base app.★★★★*= compatible with iPhone 4 devices and up.☆☆"Funny and clever... an enjoyable ride fans shouldn't miss" –IGN☆☆☆☆"A well-penned story, compelling characters, and a stellar presentation" –Gamespot☆☆GAME DESCRIPTION:Marty McFly & Doc Brown return in a brand new Back to the Future adventure spanning across 5 episodes!Six months after the events of the third film, the DeLorean Time Machine mysteriously returns to Hill Valley – driverless! Marty must go back in time and get aid from a resistant teenage Emmett Brown, or else the space time continuum will forever be unraveled!GAME FEATURES:- Play as Marty in a cinematic adventure true to the films - Features likenesses of Marty & Doc, with Christopher Lloyd returning to voice Doc - Collaboration with Bob Gale, Film Trilogy Co-Creator/Co-Writer - Claudia Wells (Jennifer) and a certain Surprise Guest (Episode 5) all return to voice the cast!EPISODE 1 – IT’S ABOUT TIMEMarty McFly is just getting re-acquainted with the 1980's when the DeLorean Time Machine he saw destroyed by a speeding train materializes before him. He finds out that Doc Brown is trapped somewhere in the past and that he must travel back in time to save the Doc’s future! EPISODE 2 – GET TANNEN! Marty is keeping an eye on young Doc Brown's proverbial date with scientific destiny when he and 1980s Doc must prevent gang boss Kid Tannen from wreaking havoc on Marty's family and erasing his girlfriend from the future! EPISODE 3 – CITIZEN BROWN After a rough and tumble return to the 1980s, a time-stranded Marty finds himself in a topsy-turvy version of the world lorded over by the enigmatic “First Citizen Brown.” EPISODE 4 – DOUBLE VISIONS It's time for the Hill Valley Expo! Back in 1986, Marty and First Citizen Brown must join forces to create an epic invention so that he can prevent the young Emmett Brown from making the worst mistake of his life. EPISODE 5 – OUTATIME Lives are changed, mysteries are solved, and paradoxes are avoided as Young Emmett seals his fate, sending Marty and Doc on a climactic chase through Hill Valley's past, present, and future. _____________________________________________ MORE GREAT ADVENTURES BY TELLTALE GAMES:Walking Dead: The GameLaw & Order: LegaciesSam & Max: Beyond Time and SpaceJurassic Park: The GameMonkey Island Tales Hector: Badge of Carnage Puzzle Agent Puzzle Agent 2Gift this App: Click the arrow next to “Buy App” on the iTunes® App Store. Never miss out on great deals, news and updates. Visit us at… © © 2010-13 Telltale, Inc. Telltale, Telltale Games and the Telltale Games logo are trademarks fo Telltale, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Back to the Future is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios and U-Drive Joint Venture. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLC. All Rights Reserved.  Read More →