PixiTracker Alexander Zolotov ジャンル: ミュージック リリース日: 2011年11月18日 No time to delve into the big and serious music apps?PixiTracker is what you need! It is a simple and fun tool to quickly create musical sketches or chip tunes. Without requiring a lot of musical knowledge!Features: • high quality 16-bit sampler + unique sounds; • pattern-based sequencer (tracker) with unlimited number of patterns; • sound recorder; • MIDI keyboard support; • WAV export/import; • Wi-Fi export/import; • iTunes File Sharing; • audio copy/paste; • Audiobus and JACK support; • PixiTracker player is open source, so you can freely use it in your own Pixilang applications; • PixiTracker is also available for other mobile and desktop systems; • true warm pixel interface!Please try my other apps: • PixiTracker 1BIT; • SunVox Modular Synthesizer. © © 2012 Alexander Zolotov  Read More →
3D視力回復/ガールズコレクション koikoi.biz ジャンル: エンターテインメント 価格: ¥85 リリース日: 2013年7月2日 ■アプリ概要 このアプリは3Dステレオグラムを利用して、視力の回復を図るものです。また、iPhoneやiPadを使った後の疲れ目にもご利用いただけますので、すべてのiPhone,iPad,iPod touchユーザ様必携のアプリです。 このアプリはApp Storeで大ヒットした「3D視力回復」の第3弾です。一般的なステレオグラムでは、題材に景色やオブジェクトが使用されることがほとんどですが、この第3弾では人間を題材にしました。これにより、一般的なステレオグラムとはまた違うリアルな立体感を楽しむことが出来るステレオグラムアプリケーションになっています。是非、この斬新ですばらしい立体感を体験して下さい。●視力回復 視力には、眼球視力と脳内視力があります。 眼球視力とは一般的に言われている視力のことで、見たものを目がピントを合わせて見る力をいいます。 脳内視力とは目で見たものを脳が認識して映像化する力のことをいいます。 視力を回復させるためには、眼球視力だけではなく脳内視力も上げるのが理想的です。 本アプリ「3D視力回復」は、3Dステレオグラム画像を見ることで、 ・3D画像をピントを合わせることを意識してみることで脳内視力を鍛え、 ・またその作業が普段は使わない目の筋肉を鍛えることになり、 ・平行法と交差法という逆の見方をすることによって目のストレッチにもなります。 ・また、ステレオグラムですので、楽しみながら続けることができます。 このように本アプリを使用することにより、「一挙4得」で総合的に目に良い運動を楽しみながらすることができます。 ■使い方 ステレオグラムの平行法と交差法で画像を見て下さい。1日数分、毎日継続して使用して下さい。 近視には平行法、遠視には交差法が効果的です。画像を見ながらデバイスを前後に動かすとよりいっそう効果的です。 ■平行法 ■交差法 アプリ内にてご説明しています。 3Dステレオグラムを見るのは目の運動になりますので、多少なりとも目が疲れます。目が疲れ過ぎないように、長時間の使用はお控えください。◇お知らせ◇当社の「睡眠アプリ」は聴くだけで早く深く眠れる画期的なアプリです。視力回復には安定した睡眠をとることも効果的です。また、勉強やスポーツ前に聴くだけで集中力がアップする音やリラックスする音も収録しています。是非、お試しください。■機能一覧・明るさ調整機能 ・ピンチイン/ピンチアウトによる画像の縮小/拡大機能 ・静止画の自動大小変化機能・すべての画像について、平行法/交差法/解答画像があります。・しおり機能 ・説明用画面(平行法の絵による説明,FAQ等)・スライドショー機能/スライドショーは全画面でご覧いただけます。 ・上下反転機能 © © 2013 koikoi.biz  Read More →
How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent. Volume 9: Instant BJJ Gamechangers, with Brandon Mullins and Stephan Kesting Grapplearts Enterprises Inc. ジャンル: スポーツ 価格: ¥850 リリース日: 2013年7月1日 This is the nihth app in the How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent series.This series is designed to give you the techniques and strategies that are especially effective against opponents who are much bigger, stronger, and more muscular than you. You'll also learn how to stay safe and avoid injury on the mats when rolling with heavier grapplers.The instruction in this app, Instant BJJ Gamechangers, is all about giving you the tricks and techniques that can change your grappling game overnight. It's full to the brim with the 'AHA!' moments that allowed BJJ black belt Brandon 'Wolverine' Mullins to become a world champion.Teaching in his typical charismatic and entertaining style, Brandon shares the techniques, concepts, tricks, and strategies that instantly made his skills on the mat jump up several levels. By sharing them with you he's giving you the opportunity to deepen and diversify your own game, and have easy solutions to many of the most commonly-encountered and vexing problems grapplers encounter on the mats every day.ABOUT BRANDON AND STEPHANBrandon Mullins is a BJJ black belt based out of Houston Texas. A very active competitor, Brandon has tested himself in well over 200 competition matches at BJJ, no-gi submission grappling, and Judo tournament compiling a phenomenal record, both with and without the gi: he's won gold medals at the Black Belt division at the No-Gi World Championships… And multiple gold medals in the Advanced division at Grappler’s Quest… And medals at the Mundials, the Pan-Ams, the US Open, and the Gracie World’s.Stephan Kesting is a BJJ black belt, and a Combat Submission Wrestling instructor. He has been training in the striking, grappling, and weapons-oriented martial arts for over 30 years. A master teacher, he has helped thousands of grapplers improve their skills through his instructional apps, DVDs, online videos and articles at his flagship website Grapplearts.com.FEATURES* 2 hours and 2 minutes* Professionally filmed and edited* Complete menus for easy navigation* Create a list of your favourite sections and exercises using the one-click 'favourite' button* Download the entire app to your phone or iPad; an internet connection is NOT required to view the videos* BONUS: 'The Roadmap for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu' book for free!CHAPTERS 1. Instant BJJ Gamechangers 2. MMA Kickpass 3. Carlos Machado Repummel vs Half Guard 4. Submission-Proof Guard Passing & Taking the Back 5. Draculino Double Grip Pass 6. The Step Out Defense 7. Best Mount Attacks 8. Total Control Rearmount 9. The Kimura Backtake 10. Knee on Belly Arm Trap 11. The Draculino Bump 12. Roger Sweep Guard Defense 13. Leg Scissor Omoplata Finish 14. Rolling Omoplata Finish 15. Defeating the Over-Under Pass 1 16. Defeating the Over-Under Pass 2 17. Russian Roll Armbar 18. Defeating Double Underhooks 19. Clock Choke Defense 20. Bow and Arrow Choke Defense 21. Sperry Choke Defense 22. Brabo/Anaconda Choke Defense 23. Kneebar Defense 24. Wrapup © © Grapplearts Enterprises Inc.  Read More →
支出メモ 〜続けられる支出管理〜 Linever Corporation ジャンル: ファイナンス リリース日: 2013年6月26日 バルーンメモシリーズ第2弾楽々入力、これなら続けられる!「支出メモ」は、スマートフォンコミュニケーション時代にマッチした、新しい形の支出管理アプリです。メッセンジャーにメッセージを入力するような感覚で日々の支出を管理することができます。特長・メッセンジャーUI採用・支出金額、メモ、写真を1つのデータとして登録可能・BOT機能(合計金額及び目標金額との差額出力、リマインド)・月の目標金額を設定することが可能・メモ履歴表示機能・自動バックアップ(Linever Storage)*支出記録に特化した専用入力インターフェイスを搭載 メッセンジャーにメッセージを入力する感覚で使えます。 支出を記録するために必要な情報を、専用インターフェイスで簡単に入力できます。*写真やメモも一緒に登録 金額だけではなく、写真やメモも一緒に登録できます。 何に使ったか思い出すためにもレシートや買ったものの写真を一緒に登録しましょう。 メモも入力履歴が表示されるので、いつも登録するものは選択するだけで登録できます。 金額+メモ+写真を一緒に登録できることで後で何に使ったかを思い出せます。*日々継続するには とにかくお金を使ったらすぐに入力することが肝心。 そのためのメッセンジャー風インターフェイスです。 レシートの細かい内容を入力する必要はありません、写真で撮影して一緒に登録しましょう。 まずは月の支出がどうなっているかを確認することです。 入力をさぼっていると自動でメッセージが送られてくる「リマインド通知機能」が、あなたの継続をサポートします。 最初から完璧を目指すと挫折します。 まずは支出メモを使って、継続できる支出管理にトライしましょう! © © 2013 Linever Corporation  Read More →
税務インデックス~平成25年度版 Zeimu Kenkyukai Inc. ジャンル: 教育 価格: ¥1,200 リリース日: 2013年7月3日 昨年度版から新機能追加・バージョンアップでより便利に!平成25年度の税制改正及び各税目別のポイント解説を収録し、キーワード検索や目次からのリンク機能もついた税務のお役立ちアプリです。課税区分判定表(消費税)や課税物件表(印紙税)、また、耐用年数表といった各種資料も掲載しており、出先に携帯すると非常に便利なアプリとなっています。 ※書籍版税務インデックスの内容をすべて収録------------------------------------------iPad・iPhoneをお持ちの、税務に携わる全ての方にお役立ていただけるアプリとなっております。             ------------------------------------------===リリース記念キャンペーン===通常価格:1,600円のところ、1,200円で販売中!◆主な機能◆キーワード検索目次から各項目へのリンク ※バージョンアップ本文中の参照ページへのリンクメモマーカー履歴表示 ※新機能縦スクロール機能 ※新機能◆収録項目◆税制改正国税通則法 法人税所得税消費税相続税・贈与税印紙税・登録免許税地方税巻末資料                              © © 株式会社税務研究会  Read More →
How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent. Volume 8: Defense and Escape Gameplan, with Brandon Mullins and Stephan Kesting Grapplearts Enterprises Inc. ジャンル: スポーツ 価格: ¥850 リリース日: 2013年6月27日 This is the eigth app in the How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent series.This series is designed to give you the techniques and strategies that are especially effective against opponents who are much bigger, stronger, and more muscular than you. You'll also learn how to stay safe and avoid injury on the mats when rolling with heavier grapplers.Sometimes things just don’t go to plan, and you end up pinned, mounted, and fighting off attacks. This eighth app, Defense and Escape Gameplan, comes with step-by-step instruction on protecting yourself in bad positions and how to get out of them. These secrets will come in handy almost every time you get swept, taken down, or have your guard passed.In this app BJJ black belt and world champion Brandon 'Wolverine' Mullins takes you through his best escapes from the mount, technical mount, the quarter guard, rear mount, rear mount with figure 4′d legs, side mount and the turtle. Use these techniques to get out of trouble and get back in the game!ABOUT BRANDON AND STEPHANBrandon Mullins is a BJJ black belt based out of Houston Texas. A very active competitor, Brandon has tested himself in well over 200 competition matches at BJJ, no-gi submission grappling, and Judo tournament compiling a phenomenal record, both with and without the gi: he's won gold medals at the Black Belt division at the No-Gi World Championships… And multiple gold medals in the Advanced division at Grappler’s Quest… And medals at the Mundials, the Pan-Ams, the US Open, and the Gracie World’s.Stephan Kesting is a BJJ black belt, and a Combat Submission Wrestling instructor. He has been training in the striking, grappling, and weapons-oriented martial arts for over 30 years. A master teacher, he has helped thousands of grapplers improve their skills through his instructional apps, DVDs, online videos and articles at his flagship website Grapplearts.com.FEATURES* 1 hour and 53 minutes* Professionally filmed and edited* Complete menus for easy navigation* Create a list of your favourite sections and exercises using the one-click 'favourite' button* Download the entire app to your phone or iPad; an internet connection is NOT required to view the videos* BONUS: 'The Roadmap for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu' book for free!CHAPTERS 1. Defense and Escape Gameplan 2. Advanced Elbow-Knee Escape vs Mount 3. Foot Drag Escape 4. Double-Unders Escape vs Technical Mount 5. Shrimp and Lift vs Technical Mount 6. Reguarding from the Quarter Guard 7. Following the Hand Escape vs Rear Mount 8. Slow Motion Seoi Nage vs Rear Mount 9. Escaping Rear Mount in Transition 10. Somersault Escape vs Rear Body Triangle 11. Scarola Roll vs Rear Body Triangle 12. Crossing the Arm Escape vs Rear Body Triangle 13. Transitional Foot Drag vs Side Mount 14. Granby Roll vs Side Mount 15. Other Transitional Escapes vs Side Mount 16. Bumping to an Armbar vs Side Mount 17. Pummel Escape vs Side Mount 18. Turtle Escapes 19. Escaping in Transition vs North-South 20. Defending Big Guy Attacks © © Grapplearts Enterprises Inc.  Read More →

LIMBO Game – Playdead

// 7月 4th, 2013
LIMBO Game Playdead ジャンル: ゲーム 価格: ¥450 リリース日: 2013年7月3日 運命に逆らい、妹を探して少年は LIMBO の世界に足を踏み入れるiPad 2、iPhone 4S、 またはiPod touch(第5世代)以降に対応しています。プレスの評価“Limbo is as close to perfect at what it does as a game can get.”10/10 – Destructoid“The game is a masterpiece.”5/5 – GiantBomb“Limbo is genius. Freaky, weird genius. Disturbing, uncomfortable genius.”5/5 – The Escapist“Dark, disturbing, yet eerily beautiful, Limbo is a world that deserves to be explored.”5/5 – Joystiq以下の賞を含む100以上の賞を受賞。Gameinformer’s “Best Downloadable”Gamespot’s “Best Puzzle Game”Kotaku’s “The Best Indie Game”GameReactor’s “Digital Game of the Year”Spike TV’s “Best Independent Game”X-Play’s “Best Downloadable Game”IGN’s “Best Horror Game” © © Playdead  Read More →
Touch Timer HD SixAxis LLC ジャンル: 教育 リリース日: 2013年3月8日 *** Timer Touch HD is FREE today with AppGratis.com ****** Checkout our other apps - look for SixAxis LLC in app store *** One of kind touch timer app. Set Timer with Just 2 touches. Cool huh? See what some of the users are saying about this app Simple & Dependable- 5-stars (USA) Easy to use and I continuously get compliments when I use it for training. More than 25 of my friends have it now. GREAT FIND! 5-stars (USA) I am very excited about this app! I am a special education teacher -- and frequently need a timer throughout the school day for MANY various reasons. In addition to needing a 'regular timer', I also have many occasions when I need a VISUAL TIMER to help students understand the concept of time, time remaining, time that has passed, the time they have 'lost and/or earned', etc. ----SO this app is especially fantastic! AND during the summer, this timer will also come in handy with my daughter! I've only "tested" this out w/ a couple of practice timings--but so far so good. I am optimistic. If this app works like I hope, I am looking forward to telling my co-workers about it AND also having it loaded onto other iPads used within my program. GREAT TIMER!!!- 5-stars (USA) I don't know what more you could ask for if you need a timer ~ bells and whistles just take up space and make things more complicated than they have to be...here's an app you can open quickly, set and use! It takes no time and very little understanding. Perfect for games, cooking and just whenever you need to time. Teacher used- 5-stars (USA) Use this app with your smart board. Kids love the graphic and get a good sense of time. Great visual learning Works great- 5-stars (USA) So convenient...my autistic daughter loves it and helps her with doing things for certain time limitsMake every moment count with this visual Timer App. This is the most intutive timer app available in the app store. Touch the app and move your fingers in clockwise direction to set time. Timer is shown in different colors for - Minutes in RED - Hours in BLUE - Seconds in GREEN - 18+ alarm ringers to choose from! * FEATURES: * Simple and effective and easy controls * Touch the app and move your fingers in clockwise direction to set time. * Huge Display of clock* Supports both landscape and portrait modes* The counter keep going even if you stop the app by putting in the background or get interrupted by a phone call* Timer sends a notification even if app is in background* Hours are shown in blue, minutes are shown in Red, and seconds in green * Don't like to rotate? Then select from hour / minute dial or pre-select 5 minutes increment numbers* Adjust screen brightness* 18+ alarm ringers to choose from! * Set timer up to 12 hours & 59 minutes. * Parents love it: Your kids will finally understand what “five more minutes” really means! * Professional Organizers love it * Students with Special Needs love it: Visual Timer help them “own” their tasks. * High-achievers with special needs use it for tests, therapy, college and work. * Teachers love it: Students can pla their work without the anxiety of a numerical count down. * So simple that even a kid can use it!HOW TO MAKE IT WORK: 1. If you want to set time for 30 minutes then move your finger slowly over the clock in clockwise direction. If you need to set it for longer then keep rotating your finger over the clock. Hours are shown in blue. 2. Once the time is set then click on the play button on the top 3. If for some reason you need to pause timer then click on the pause time button 4. If you need to reset the timer, click on the recycle timer button 5. That its! How simple is that? Produced By SimpleGamesIf you have any questions or concerns then please check our support website at http://six-axis.com/ios/timertouch2/ © © SixAxis LLC  Read More →
Touch Timer HD SixAxis LLC ジャンル: 教育 リリース日: 2013年3月8日 *** Timer Touch HD is FREE today with AppGratis.com ****** Checkout our other apps - look for SixAxis LLC in app store *** One of kind touch timer app. Set Timer with Just 2 touches. Cool huh? See what some of the users are saying about this app Simple & Dependable- 5-stars (USA) Easy to use and I continuously get compliments when I use it for training. More than 25 of my friends have it now. GREAT FIND! 5-stars (USA) I am very excited about this app! I am a special education teacher -- and frequently need a timer throughout the school day for MANY various reasons. In addition to needing a 'regular timer', I also have many occasions when I need a VISUAL TIMER to help students understand the concept of time, time remaining, time that has passed, the time they have 'lost and/or earned', etc. ----SO this app is especially fantastic! AND during the summer, this timer will also come in handy with my daughter! I've only "tested" this out w/ a couple of practice timings--but so far so good. I am optimistic. If this app works like I hope, I am looking forward to telling my co-workers about it AND also having it loaded onto other iPads used within my program. GREAT TIMER!!!- 5-stars (USA) I don't know what more you could ask for if you need a timer ~ bells and whistles just take up space and make things more complicated than they have to be...here's an app you can open quickly, set and use! It takes no time and very little understanding. Perfect for games, cooking and just whenever you need to time. Teacher used- 5-stars (USA) Use this app with your smart board. Kids love the graphic and get a good sense of time. Great visual learning Works great- 5-stars (USA) So convenient...my autistic daughter loves it and helps her with doing things for certain time limitsMake every moment count with this visual Timer App. This is the most intutive timer app available in the app store. Touch the app and move your fingers in clockwise direction to set time. Timer is shown in different colors for - Minutes in RED - Hours in BLUE - Seconds in GREEN - 18+ alarm ringers to choose from! * FEATURES: * Simple and effective and easy controls * Touch the app and move your fingers in clockwise direction to set time. * Huge Display of clock* Supports both landscape and portrait modes* The counter keep going even if you stop the app by putting in the background or get interrupted by a phone call* Timer sends a notification even if app is in background* Hours are shown in blue, minutes are shown in Red, and seconds in green * Don't like to rotate? Then select from hour / minute dial or pre-select 5 minutes increment numbers* Adjust screen brightness* 18+ alarm ringers to choose from! * Set timer up to 12 hours & 59 minutes. * Parents love it: Your kids will finally understand what “five more minutes” really means! * Professional Organizers love it * Students with Special Needs love it: Visual Timer help them “own” their tasks. * High-achievers with special needs use it for tests, therapy, college and work. * Teachers love it: Students can pla their work without the anxiety of a numerical count down. * So simple that even a kid can use it!HOW TO MAKE IT WORK: 1. If you want to set time for 30 minutes then move your finger slowly over the clock in clockwise direction. If you need to set it for longer then keep rotating your finger over the clock. Hours are shown in blue. 2. Once the time is set then click on the play button on the top 3. If for some reason you need to pause timer then click on the pause time button 4. If you need to reset the timer, click on the recycle timer button 5. That its! How simple is that? Produced By SimpleGamesIf you have any questions or concerns then please check our support website at http://six-axis.com/ios/timertouch2/ © © SixAxis LLC  Read More →
地名で読む江戸の町 PHP Institute,Inc ジャンル: 旅行 価格: ¥850 リリース日: 2013年7月3日 お茶の水、浅草、築地、千住……。地名の由来を探れば、過去の社会制度や事件、人々の生活が見えてくる。地名のもとに江戸の歴史と町へ接近。市町村合併による地名改変が盛んな昨今、貴重な文化遺産としての地名を再認識できるアプリです。■美しい江戸の古地図をiPhoneで手軽に楽しめます■ボリュームたっぷりの江戸地名解説を収録収録されている解説文中の地名(青文字)をタップすると古地図の該当箇所にピンがドロップされ、簡単に参照することができます。古地図のみを自由に閲覧することもできます。古地図は人文社の復刻古地図を収録しています。細部まで美しく描き起こされており、ピンチ操作で拡大/縮小が可能。細かい地名まではっきりと確認することができます。解説文はPHP新書『地名で読む江戸の町』(大石学 著)を底本としています。第I部では幕府の都市づくり政策を概観。第II部では江戸とその周辺を機能・地域別に分類、50の地名の具体的歴史を探訪します。江戸歴史散策のお供に、また古地図と解説を見比べながら100万都市・江戸の町づくりをじっくり学ぶこともできます。 © © Oishi Manabu/PHP Institute, Inc/株式会社人文社/UNICO INC.  Read More →
Anatomy In Motion - Complete - Muscle System Flashcards for iPhone and iPad Mografi ジャンル: メディカル 価格: ¥2,100 リリース日: 2011年1月18日 Currently over 25% OFF!Now universal with a beautiful customized iPad interface! *** If you are having problems after the update, please try reinstalling and rebooting your device.NEW FOR (VERSION) TWONative iPad support!Universal support for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.iPad interface supports enhanced landscape and portrait viewing for enhanced study.Note-taking!Remind yourself to study, jot down a great stretch you learned, or note a difference from your personal references.Enhanced action animations!Higher temporal resolution and motion arrows for improved clarity *** We've been featured in the New & Noteworthy Section of the US App store! *** Thanks for making us the #1 medical app in The Netherlands! *** We also were the #2 medical app in Italy! *** Thank you to everyone for your support! TAKE YOUR MUSCLES WITH YOU BEAUTY & BRAINS Beautifully rendered and medically accurate myology illustrations in high definition Developed by Melissa Finley, Licensed Massage Therapist and graduate of The Swedish Institute NYC HIGH DEFINITION Retina display (for iPhone & iPod Touch) and new native iPad interface with high definition flashcards.MUSCLE BUILDER Unique to Anatomy In Motion, Explore muscle layering, from the skeleton to the most superficial layer Over 450 flashcards, featuring over 225 unique muscles SOLO PERFORMANCE Isolate each muscle individually to clearly view the attachment to the skeleton MUSCLES IN ACTION Over 100 action animations, showing the muscle movements TOP OF THE CLASS Over 650 study questions - USMLE, MCAT, and medical professional board quality Sectional quizzes let you focus your study, while the cumulative exam randomly pulls from all of the quizzes Multiple-choice questions are randomly arranged to keep you challenged Keep track of your progress with the Exam & Quiz Statistics BOOKWORMSearchable Index of every muscle featured in Anatomy In Motion Bookmark your favorite (or least favorite) muscle for further study RECOMMENDED FOR Doctors Medical students Athletes, Coaches, Physical Trainers Physical Therapists, Massage therapists, ChiropractorsTry out Anatomy In Motion - Shoulder Muscles, featuring the anterior and posterior shoulder. We have discounted Anatomy In Motion - Complete to offset the cost of this version.Please note - this version requires iOS 4.3+! © © 2013 MOGRAFI  Read More →
I-Doser Premium I-Doser.com ジャンル: エンターテインメント リリース日: 2008年11月11日 FREE FOR ONE DAY ONLY! GET THE BEST-SELLING AND BEST-RATED BINAURAL DOSING APP FOR FREE FOR ONE DAY ONLY!PRICE RETURNS TO $4.99 SOON!Don't be fooled by the cheap imitations out there! We are the REAL DEAL!Updated Premium Version is now UNIVERSAL! Works across all your iOS devices, is RETINA, iPhone and iPhone 5, iPad and iPad mini compatible! We work across ALL DEVICES!I-Doser.com is the Industry Leader in Binaural Brainwave Technology. Using proven, safe, and scientific methods of synchronizing your brainwaves, a simulated state can be achieved through the use of the I-Doser Player Application for the iPhone and iPad.Now includes 50% MORE SIMULATIONS making this the largest mobile collection of binaural brainwave doses ever collected.The ONLY binaural simulator to offer integrated ambient soundscape custom tailored to each and every simulation.The ONLY binaural simulator that allows you to SlipStream Doses.The ONLY binaural simulator to offer real-time tuning. Fine tune your experience in real-time, on the fly, for the best results possible!The ONLY binaural simulator to offer integrated guides and methods to guarantee success!The ONLY binaural simulator to offer in app purchases!Reach a state previously only achievable through recreational or prescription methods.I-Doser is the only on-the-go mobile brainwave modification tool based on proven and effective sequencing. All you need is your headphones. © © 2013 I-Doser.com  Read More →
CyclingNews Tour Tracker Tour Tracker LLC ジャンル: スポーツ リリース日: 2013年6月23日 Follow the 2013 Tour de France and all the Grand Tours on the CyclingNews Tour Tracker app. CyclingNews, the industry leader in cycling coverage, and Tour Tracker, the #1 rated pro cycling apps available, are combining forces to bring fans the best mobile coverage available in the world.The CyclingNews Tour Tracker will feature coverage before, during and after every day of the 2013 Giro d'Italia, Tour de France and Vuelta a España. That coverage will include...• Live text commentary from cyclingnews.com• GPS tracking of the race on maps and profiles• Live situation on the road (breaks, time gaps) • Live splits and finish times for time trials• Fantastic photography from the road• Daily finish-line results• Full race standings for every jersey category• Full team rosters with details on every rider• Video previews of every stage• Stage recaps at the end of each stage• Rich social media feedsAdditional content will be available for certain races, including added video content, analysis of rider biometrics, and more! © © Tour Tracker LLC  Read More →
女の本音&女の秘密〜女流官能作家が教えるLOVE&SEX〜 Eight Apps ジャンル: ブック 価格: ¥85 リリース日: 2012年4月3日 【数量限定】電子書籍アプリ特別セール!!1,000名様だけに89.8%オフ書籍定価840円が【大特価85円】・iTunesブック部門1位/有料アプリ総合2位獲得----------------------------------------------女性を虜にする『とろける愛撫テクニック』とは!?----------------------------------------------数々の人気官能小説を手がけてきた、一条きららがiOS向け書籍アプリとして究極のテクニックを紹介。累計50,000ダウンロード突破の超人気作品!!●女性の性感帯を全開にする方法とは…●今日から出来る!!魅力的に溢れる男のポイントって!?●女の心を完全に開く〝魔法の言葉〟を知りたい!!●好きな子と距離がグッと縮めるモテテクとは!?あの官能作家が明かした、ホントに女性を芯からしびれさせる実践型、恋愛ノウハウをご紹介。好きな相手と決定的に男女関係を築くテクニックとは…【  目 次 】●はじめに●第一章 忘れられなくなるセックス・テクニック・女性は、こんな言葉が好き・女性は、こんな愛撫が好き・女性は、こんな体位が好き・女性は、こんなキスに弱い・女性の体は、ここが感じやすい・女性の体は、こうすると濡れる・女性は、こんなセックスが好き・女性は、こんなセックスが嫌い・早漏になってしまった時・手や口の愛撫の求め方・女性に、エクスタシーを感じさせるセックス・女性が感じているかどうかの見分け方・女性が、イッたふりをしたか、本当にイッたかの見分け方・勃起不全になってしまった時・中折れ現象になった時・自分の性器に自信がない時・テクニックに自信がない時・相手の女性が不感症気味の時・相手の女性の欲望が淡泊な時・女性が嫌いな、男性のしぐさと行為・女性が好きな、男性のしぐさと行為・相手の女性の満足度を知る方法・女性が、また抱かれたいと思うセックス・女性が、もう抱かれたくないと思うセックス・セックスには相性(合性)がある・女性が、忘れられなくなるセックス●第二章 素敵な男性と思わせる恋愛テクニック・出会いのチャンス・素敵な男性と印象づける・初めてのメール・初めてのデート・ホテルの誘い方・あなたの部屋への誘い方・女性の部屋への誘い方・プレゼント・恋愛期間中・上手な別れ方・女性は、こんなメールが好き・女性は、こんなメールが嫌い・女性は、こんな男性を軽蔑する・女性は、こんな男性を尊敬する●おわりに【著者紹介】一条 きらら(いちじょう きらら)埼玉県生まれ。東京在住。短大卒業。OL生活の後、結婚と離婚を経験。1986年『不倫ばやり』で作家デビュー。愛と欲望を描く女流官能作家。 © © 一条きらら / OpenApps, Inc.  Read More →