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Flight Distance Calculator – Nicolas Schotten

6月 09, 2022 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Nicolas Schotten - Flight Distance Calculator アートワーク Flight Distance Calculator
Nicolas Schotten
ジャンル: ナビゲーション
価格: ¥490
リリース日: 2017年9月5日

Flight Distance Calculator is a great app to calculate distances and duration of your flights.

You can create an unlimited number of pins on the map. The app calculates their distances and how long it will take to fly.

You will always see the shortest flight route on the map.

More Functions:
- Locate yourself and create a pin at your current location with only one click
- Move pins on the map. The route adapts automatically.
- Search for places, cities and more
- Save and load your route
- Choose your preferred map type (standard, satellite, hybrid)
- Choose your preferred distance unit (meter, feet)
- Various settings

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