This X-Rays Interpretation Guide for medical Students is a teaching and learning resource that offers students, junior doctors, trainee radiologists, radiographers, nurses, physiotherapists and nurse practitioners a basic understanding of the principles of x-ray radiograph in radiology. It provides a memorable way to analyze and present radiographs system as developed. This application explains how to recognize basic radiological signs, pathology and patterns associated with common medical conditions as seen on xray radiographs. This app presents each radiograph with clinical sign and symptoms, radiological finding, diagnosis, as well as spot diagnosis, such as: Lung opacities Lung consolidation Pnemothorax Cardiomegaly Emphysema Tuberclosis bronchiectasis lung cancer aspergilosis and other bones xray radiographs. App Content: Anatomy Review (Chest X-Ray) Chest X-Ray Quality Diagnostic Purpose How to Comment CXR Interpretation of Chest X-Ray Introduction - Chest X-Ray Radiology Mnemonics Systematic Approach Tracheal Pathology Lung Hilum Pathology Lung Fields Pathology Plueral Diseases Diaphragmatic Pathology Mediastinal Pathology Pathologies Of Heart Costophrenic Angle Soft Tissue Pathology Endo Tracheal Tube Bones Pathology Acromegaly Alveolar Cell Carcinoma Anterior Mediastinal Mass Asbestosis Aspergillosis Asymmetric Hilar Atelactesis Atrial Cardiomegaly Bilateral Hilar Bilateral Hilar Opacity Bronchiectesis Bronchopneumonia Cardiomegaly Chronic Obstructive Coin shadow or Common Lung Opacities Consolidation COPD Dextocardia Diaphragmatic Hernia Abnormalities of lung fields Abnormalities-Pathology Bronchiectasis CXR Differential Diagnosis Normal Hand X-Ray Pleural Diseases Skull X-Ray Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm Emphysma Gouty Arthritiis of hand Gynaecomastia Hamartoma Hemolytic Anemia Hydropneumothorax Hyperparathyrodism Isolated Dextrocardia Left Ventricular Failure Lung Abcses with Lung Absces Lung Cancer Lung Cavitation Lung Consolidation Lung Mass Lymphoma Mastectomy Miliary TB Multiple Lung Nodules Normal Heart Osteoarthritis Pancoast Tumor Pleural Effusion Plueral Fibrosis Pnemothorax-Tension Pneumonia - Right Middle Lobe Pneumonia + Pnemotecele Pneumoperitoneum Pneumothorax Pulmonary Edema Pulmonary Embolism Pulmonary Infarction Pulmonary Metastase Radiation Hilar Fibrosis Rhematoid Arthritis Right Upper Lobe Collapse Right Upper Lobes Collapse Sarcoidosis Scleroderma Septic Embolus Surgical Emphesyma Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Tracheal Displacement Tuberclosis Unilateral Hilar Opacity Ventricular Aneurysm Chest PA View Chest Lateral View Anterio Posterio (AP) View Supine View AP Lardotic View Expiratory Chest View Chest Lateral Decubitus Lateral View of Sternum Oblique View of Sternum Rib AP View Rib AP Oblique View Rib PA View This app also includes chest x-ray cases with answers as well as abdominal x-ray cases with answers. App Features: 1. Dark mode 2. App content available for offline reading. No additional download is required. 3. You will be able to use this app on all of your other devices after you purchase it. For a free installation on a different device, just sign in with the same AppleID that you used to make the original purchase. Important Notice: Care has been taken to provide accurate information on this app in keeping with current xray teaching. It is intended only for use by individuals who are students or medical practitioners in the field. It is not intended to replace formal medical xray training. It is not intended for use by non-medical personnel. This information is provided for general medical education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgement of a physician relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient's medical condition. In no event will the authors or editors or the developer of this app be liable for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon the information provided through this application. © © AbdulKarim Nasir |
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X-Ray Interpretation Guide – Abdulkarim Nasir
11月 28, 2024 | コメントは受け付けていません。Tags: Medical