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MyEtherWallet – Nam Le

12月 01, 2017 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Nam Le - MyEtherWallet アートワーク MyEtherWallet
Nam Le
ジャンル: ファイナンス
価格: ¥600
リリース日: 2017年11月29日

Now you can hold your Ethereum wallet in your pocket! With this app you can anonymously store and control your wallets.

This app provide 2 modes:

- Watch Only: Import an Ethereum wallet’s address and keep track of Ethereum and other ERC20 token balances. You can provide private key later at any time.

- Full Control: You can either create a new wallet offline (no Internet required) or import your existing wallet’s private key. With full control mode you can send Ether or other ERC20 tokens.

Your keys are encrypted and stored securely inside your phone and cannot be accessed in any case. Sending transaction will always require unlock. This will put your wallets at maximum protection.

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