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Cointell – Cointell ApS

5月 20, 2018 | コメントは受け付けていません。

Cointell ApS - Cointell アートワーク Cointell
Cointell ApS
ジャンル: ファイナンス
価格: ¥7,800
リリース日: 2018年4月23日

Cointell is an award-winning and market leading cryptocurrency insight platform. Coin intelligence, in essence. Based on Artificial Intelligence(AI) analysis and through assessments by leading experts, we deliver real-time insight to all the major coins and currencies in the market. Through the app you get a real-time insight to; the real value preposition behind each of the coins, the business concepts, how they rate overall - are they overrated or underrated – and how is the market perception, the volatility and performance compared to the market.

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